Federation University

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1 Federation University
Thinking Beyond Band-Aid Solutions

2 Introduction Introduction Share our experience: EA Analysis Findings
Use Case Outcome

3 Key Issues!!! The University has traditionally focused its investment on technology that: 1. Drive investment in technologies that service income focused activities; 2. Focus resources and initiatives that reduce Information technology operating cost; 3. Rationalise systems and technologies to meet the current operating demands; 4. Save wherever possible and only invest if absolutely necessary; 5. Organically grown systems, no holistic view; 6. Reactive in adopting technology more than strategic; and 7. Partially implemented solutions e.g CRM, ECM, Service Now 8. Duplicate and unclean data No holistic view ( current EA) of the technology in the University Reactive in adopting technology more than strategic/holistic What are the major trends and challenges are affecting our current IT ecosystem and the university? How do we as a University ( EA Committee members) deliver the highest value to drive digitization? What actions should the ITEA.. recommend to implement?

4 Data Driven University
Cloud, security we have, Network is upgraded and structure of the account and the cost reporting for Microsoft Mobile application is a focus as well When it comes to top technology investments, business intelligence (BI) and analytics persist in the top spot year after year across all performance levels. Top performers are more likely to mention BI and analytics than the other two groups, but it is clear that this capability is seen by all three as the key that unlocks the digital value door. Advanced analytics (that is, predictive and prescriptive) are fundamental to customer, citizen and user engagement. Analytics underpin the mediation and value exchange occurring in digital ecosystems. Physical products are being extended through their digital twins, from which new services and sources of revenue are channeled. The exponential growth of data, especially in Internet of Things (IoT) implementations, leads to distributed and embedded analytics and to accompanying capabilities, such as logical data warehouses and in-memory computing. In terms of other technology investments, there are some interesting data points. For all but the top performers, ERP remains a large investment, as highlighted in the figure. Why the difference? Unlike BI and analytics or other top-performer investments, top performers have shifted investment away from traditional ERP. Top performers have likely invested enough to modernize ERP (which really may mean they've taken it off-premises and minimized their ERP legacy debt), and they have shifted that investment to higher-return activities.


6 EA as a form of internal management consulting has four benefits:
Agile delivery focused on the University strategic outcome to solves key University problems A flexible, iterative approach to digitisation Data focuses and data driven integration for analytics and reporting Tailored innovative solution for the University Inside-out —The focus is on guiding how people, processes, information and technology interact to deliver operational value indirectly to the business. This is the traditional IT focus on management, consolidation, standardization and simplification of assets to achieve operational efficiency. Outside-in —The focus is on the business outcomes needed to deliver business value to customers, constituencies, partners and stakeholders, and then working inward to determine changes to people, processes, information and technology to drive these outcomes.  Outside-out —This perspective extends beyond the enterprise and its known customers, partners and competitors, into the world of possible customers, constituencies, partners and stakeholders. This broad focus is on understanding the trends that could affect the business and its ecosystem, and then working inward to determine changes to people, processes, information and technology to drive these outcomes

7 4. Save wherever possible and only invest if absolutely necessary.
Replaced with the modified Historically Ballarat University (as it was known) was a locally focussed institution. Well regarded for its excellent teaching, its regional focus provided quality education to students from the local area. Where the University operated in remote locations, courses were delivered through partner institutions.  Consequently the University has traditionally focused its investment on technology that support four principles:  1. Drive investment in technologies that service income focused activities;  2. Focus resources and initiatives that reduce Information technology operating cost;  3. Rationalise systems and technologies to meet the current operating demands; and  4. Save wherever possible and only invest if absolutely necessary.  This approach resulted in a focus within ICT (the predecessor to ITS) on operational excellence, prioritising technology choices and decisions that principally supported systems of record (e.g. student administration, finance). 

8 Key elements of the solution include:
Replace wit the modified diagram Key elements of the solution include:  A Hybrid cloud approach to applications and infrastructure; reducing the asset base, simplifying support, and increasing performance, scalability, and reliability  Rationalisation and standardisation of the application landscape, reducing complexity and licensing costs  Improved data management, reducing database licensing costs, establishing robust data management practices, increasing data storage for staff and students, and providing the basis for a business intelligence solution  Implementation of an analytics platform with dashboard-style reporting for management  Enhancements to teaching spaces, end user technologies, the web site, wireless network, and student applications; delivering an end-to end digital experience for students 

9 Application Analysis Process
Reference Model Gartner Pace Layer Business Survey Response Application Analysis Retain Upgrade Replace

10 Reference Models BRM A business reference model is a means to describe the business operations of an organization, independent of the organizational structure that perform them. Gartner PACE Model Identify PACE of Change. Application status recommendation. Realization of Cost. Capability Gap Analysis. Application strength & weakness in terms of capability. Gartner's Pace-Layered Application Strategy enables IT organizations to build some systems for rapid change and others for stability, depending on the business need. It delivers three main components Systems of record — Established packaged applications or legacy homegrown systems that support core transaction processing and manage the organization's critical master data. The rate of change is low, because the processes are well-established and common to most organizations, and often are subject to regulatory requirements. Systems of record have the longest life cycle, at 10 or more years. ■ Systems of differentiation — Applications that enable unique company processes or industryspeci€c capabilities. They have a medium life cycle (one to three years), but need to be recon€gured frequently to accommodate changing business practices or customer requirements. ■ Systems of innovation — New applications that are built on an ad hoc basis to address new business requirements or opportunities. These are typically short life cycle projects (zero to 12 months) using departmental or outside resources and consumer-grade technologies

11 Gartner Application Evaluation
License, support Service Maintenance and enhancement. Total application lifecycle. Architectural Alignment. Scalability and Extensbility. Technical execution. Complexity Reliance on SME Maintenance. Supportability Strategic Fit Data Quality and timeliness Application Robustness. Utilization. Bus Fitness & Process Operational Risk Cost Technical Risk

12 Online Survey Application Assessment Survery
To all staff for feedback on 13 applications (Not all due to low usage or recent significant change, etc – CS 9.2) 4177 questions answered Structured questions around fit for purpose criteria Usability Sustainability Supportability Comments Based on Gartner framework Respondents: Typically application users with more than 3 years experience with the application Mostly from Mt Helen – most staff and particularly admin are based here Ingest results in tableau to assist with analysis and interpretation of results

13 Survey Results Relatively good support for base applications that most people use everyday - Exchange and Skype for example

14 Survey Results Poor results for other applications, mostly that we are aware of issues already - Validation of suspicions

15 Survey workshop Formed survey workshops – focus groups – allowed users to voice opinions and concerns, used guiding questions: Cost Operational - gaps Technical – integrations Data & Reporting Feeds into the Gartner Scoring system to provide a fitness outcome (guidance)

16 Use Case Looking a little closer at an example
Finance application system could to support the shown business capabilities based on the CAUDIT BRM All of the above capabilities Highlighted in yellow are those that are currently completed by another application (concur) or not being used Budgeting & Costing General Ledger etc 13 capabilities not already completed by another application

17 Use Case - Survey Survey results where mostly ok, although it is obvious the application is out of date

18 Use Case – Workshop Findings
Band-Aid Solutions… REPORTING PROCUREMENT PROJECTS AND BILLING REVENUE Focus groups revealed several other significant issues Admin/expert user level Severely out of date system (not updated since implementation in 2009) Large upgrade only option for improving Product is end of lifecycle – obsolete High Risk integrations Gaps in capabilities Reliance on Access databases FINANCIALS TIME TRACKING PAYROLL

19 Use Case - Discovery

20 Collation of Results Collation Survey Focus Groups
ITEAAC Prioritisation List Teams conversations ITEAAC Meetings ITEAAC Info Tech Enterprise Architecture Group Group of senior stakeholders from different areas of the business Allows identification of issues, priorities and then input into solutions Gathered up results ITEAAC prioritisation list which asked members what they wanted to do (renew/retire/replace/review) and also which strategic objectives they believe the changes would align.

21 Analysis & Recommendations
CAUDIT Business Reference Model (BRM) Strategic Alignment PACE model fit Technical Reference Model (TRM) Gartner Recommendations BRM – Capabilities we found vs what we needed- identified the gaps Considered capabilities against strategic alignment, and based on what the business has prioritised via the Business Prioritisation Survey Looked at our Environment (TRM) to consider application re-use applications to invest Impact of new applications in our environment Identified the systems which fit into each of these categories Some things will take a significant amount of time to improve

22 3 year journey Organisational support Clear objectives
FedUni Roadmap 3 year journey Organisational support Clear objectives Invest in improvements Building a roadmap of initiatives to Invest where most needed Remove risks Improve future fit and alignment with University’s environment and strategic objectives going forward Improve business efficiency

23 Questions? Questions

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