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Citations are not a measure of quality but a are measure of popularity! But we cant ignore them Citations matter, both to individuals and their institutions,

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Presentation on theme: "Citations are not a measure of quality but a are measure of popularity! But we cant ignore them Citations matter, both to individuals and their institutions,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Citations are not a measure of quality but a are measure of popularity!
But we cant ignore them Citations matter, both to individuals and their institutions, hugely now & even more in future

2 Citations are fundamentally important because ….
Each citation indicates an influence of the original presentation on another And hence The accumulated number of citations to a particular presentation provides a measure of its total influence

3 Citations Why important Count no. of cites and benchmark for:
Measure of quality, counted for some disciplines in ERA Leads to other successes Count no. of cites and benchmark for: (1) a person’s publishing career: h-factor (2) an individual paper At least 3 schemes: Web of Science/ISI, Scopus, Google scholar/Publish or Perish

4 Is there a secret to citation success?
Significance Influence Presentation Sustained


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