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The Massachusetts Colony

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1 The Massachusetts Colony
The Puritans and the Pilgrims EQ: Why do colonies exist?

2 Goal of the Massachusetts Colony
Escape religious persecution in England

3 What was the Reformation?
The split from the Catholic Church and creation of new, Protestant religions in the early 1500s

4 English Reformation 1530s- King Henry VIII broke from the Catholic church and created the Anglican Church (Church of England) Only one real difference: King was head of Anglican Church Pope was head of Catholic Church

5 Religious Differences in England
Some in England didn’t like that the Anglican Church kept many of the Catholic Church’s traditions These people were often persecuted for their beliefs and saw the New World as an opportunity to escape persecution and start a new life

6 The Pilgrims (1620) Pilgrims were separatists
Thought it was too hard to fix church and needed to start fresh Wanted to separate and create own Church 100 Pilgrims set sail on the Mayflower headed to VA Big storm blew them off course and they landed in New England Established Plymouth Colony

7 Mayflower Compact Written before Pilgrims landed in North America
Document that created government in Plymouth Stated that all laws would be approved by majority vote First agreement of self-government in the Americas

8 The Puritans (1629) Thought church could be fixed by simplifying it (PURifying it) 1000 settlers travelled to North America (bigger than Pilgrim group) Created a joint-stock company called the Massachusetts Bay Company and received a charter from the English government Moved company headquarters to Massachusetts which meant that when they moved, they took with them the authority for an independent government Established Massachusetts Bay Colony

9 “City Upon a Hill” Sermon made by first governor- John Winthrop- before ship landed in Massachusetts Main Idea: Massachusetts should be a model city for the world (devotion to God, successful)

10 Puritan Politics Used town meetings to make decisions
Only men who were members of the church could vote Laws reflected values in society No drinking No swearing No sassing your parents

11 Women and Children Women Children Second to men
Role was to be a wife and mother Lived strict lives Learned to read and write because they were expected to read the bible Led to high literacy rates in New England colonies

12 Puritan Church Church was the center of Puritan life
Intolerant of other religions and of anyone who disagreed with the Church

13 Rhode Island Founded by Roger Williams after he was banished from Massachusetts Disagreed with Puritan intolerance and other beliefs

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