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Creating and Sending Message Links

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1 Creating and Sending Message Links

2 How do you create a message link?
In order to create a new message link you will need to click on the “Message Links” button on the tool bar on the texting page. Note that there is a link icon next to this tab. In this image it is annotated by the green oval.

3 Ho do you create a message link?
When you click on the ”Message Links” tab a dialogue box will appear. This box will show all your existing links and also give you the option to create a new one. Click on the “Add” button.

4 How do you create a message link?
You will be able to create a name for your message link. In this case we chose the Wall Street Journal. The name will be sent with the actual link when you send it to a contact. You will enter in the link and click ”Save”. The link will be added to your list of all saved links.

5 How do you send a message link?
When you select a contact you would like to send your message to you will notice that there are a handful of icons at the bottom of the text message box. The second icon is a link- indicating message links. Click on the link icon.

6 How do you send a message link?
When you click on the link icon a dialogue box will appear showing a drop down menu of all your links. Select the link you would like to send. The link will automatically send to your contact once you have selecting the link.

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