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The New Frontier and The Great Society

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1 The New Frontier and The Great Society
Chapter 28 The New Frontier and The Great Society

2 Kennedy and the Cold War
John F. Kennedy: 35th Pres. Of USA Won election of 1960 against Nixon The first televised debate happened during his campaign (it helped him win) During his campaign, he took steps to help Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement (helped him get voters in the south and Midwest)

3 Kennedy and the Cold War
The Camelot Years: When the Kennedy family was in the White House JFK and wife Jacqueline were young, educated, and cultured The whole family fascinated the public “The best and the brightest”: What Kennedy called his team of advisors

4 Courtesy of: http://hydrogen2016

5 Courtesy of: http://www. monroegallery

6 Courtesy of: http://www. monroegallery

7 Kennedy and the Cold War
New Military Policy Cold War was still going on Kennedy did not want to use Nuclear threats over minor conflicts Flexible Response: JFK’s policy to strengthen non-nuclear military forces to prevent nuclear war

8 Kennedy and the Cold War
Crisis Over Cuba Cuba: small island nation off coast of FL Fidel Castro: Openly Communist leader of Cuba and ally to Soviet Union Bay of Pigs Eisenhower started a program to train Cuban Exiles by the CIA to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro JFK approved the plan 9 days into his term The invasion was a complete failure and JFK had to apologize and pay Cuba $53 mil in supplies


10 Kennedy and the Cold War
Cuban Missile Crisis (summer 1962) Khrushchev (Soviet Union Leader) supplied Cuba with nuclear weapons JFK said a missile attack from Cuba would result in all out war with the Soviet Union October 1962: Pictures were taken of bases in Cuba with missiles that were ready to be launched For 6 days we were on the brink of nuclear war An agreement that Khrushchev would take missiles out of Cuba if the US would not attack Cuba and remove missiles from Turkey ended the crisis

11 Kennedy and the Cold War
Crisis Over Berlin Berlin Wall: A large stone wall that split the city in half (½ capitalist; ½ communist) Yet another territorial conflict between the Soviet Union and the U.S.A.

12 The Promise of Progress
New Frontier: What JFK called all of the undiscovered scientific advancements that he wanted to find Mandate: a clear indication of voter approval of plans JFK did not have a mandate to spend so much on science and domestic reform Peace Corps: one of these new programs People went to other countries to volunteer Alliance for Progress: also a new program Gave money and new technology to Latin America

13 Race to the Moon Soviets had the first man in space
Americans wanted to compete so they heavily funded NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration July 20, 1969: American Neil Armstrong took the first steps on the moon

14 American Poverty Written about in Michael Harrington’s “The Other America” Exposed 50 million Americans living on less than $1,000 a year The Civil Rights Movement was also fighting this

15 Assassination of JFK While on a trip to Dallas, TX JFK was allegedly assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald Warren Commission: a group set up to investigate whether or not Oswald killed Kennedy and why They discovered that there may have been another gunman and there may have been a conspiracy

16 The Great Society Lyndon B. Johnson took over for JFK because he was VP Texas native Different from JFK Still worked to complete JFK’s work in honor of the assassinated president He got Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and the Economic Opportunity Act

17 The Great Society Civil Rights Act 1957: prohibited discrimination based on race, gender, religion, and national origin Economic Opportunity Act: almost $1 billion for youth programs, anti-poverty programs, small business loans, and job training

18 The Great Society LBJ was reelected in 1964
From , LBJ got Congress to pass several laws about poverty, racial injustice, education, environment, etc. He used the term Great Society to describe an America without poverty or racial injustice Pushed for much more funding for schools (he thought education was key to great society)

19 Specific LBJ Laws Medicare: provided health insurance to almost every American over 65 Medicaid: provided health insurance to the poor Immigration Act of 1965: opened the door for many non-European immigrants and ended quota’s

20 The Warren Court The Supreme Court under LBJ was very liberal and also wanted to address some of the problems he did It was led by Chief Justice Earl Warren Banned prayer in public school Changed reapportionment: the way states draw election districts

21 Do Not Write Example of Reapportionment
Dracut Methuen Billerica Chelmsford Westford Littleton Acton Boxborough Dracut Methuen Lowell Lawrence Medford Malden Somerville Haverhill

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