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DNA / Biotechnology Forum (Name of Topic)

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Presentation on theme: "DNA / Biotechnology Forum (Name of Topic)"— Presentation transcript:

1 DNA / Biotechnology Forum (Name of Topic)
Model Power Point (Slide One)

2 Explanation of topic What is it? How does it work? (Slide 2) (Picture)

3 Application(s) of DNA / Biotechnology
How is it used? For what is this technology used? (Slide 3)

4 Biotechnology Process
What are the steps of using this technology? (Keep this simple/ brief) Bulleted list (Slide 4)

5 Benefits What good things result from the use of this technology?
Who benefits? How do they benefit? How much do they benefit? (Slide 5)

6 Costs / Concerns How much does this technology cost? Who pays?
What are the possible problems with using this technology? Who is negatively impacted? (Slide 6)

7 Current legislation What LAWS govern use of this technology? State
Federal International Are these laws enforced? (Slide 7)

8 media center, bibliography format
Incomplete bibliography = ZERO / 100 pts!! 4 electronic sources url (complete) Title of article / passage Author / editor Date visited Other sources? See fchs webpage, student resources, media center, bibliography format (slide 8)

9 Power Point Tips Bulleted phrases (4 - 6 words)
No > 5-6 items / slide) Use > 8 slides if necessary Use Pictures often Minimize fancy stuff Keep content RELEVANT & APPROPRIATE

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