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Manuscript Culture Early Modern Period.

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1 Manuscript Culture Early Modern Period

2 Donne’s Life (Recap) Brother died in prison after he had hidden a Catholic priest. Donne becomes part of the Elizabethan establishment, working for Sir Thomas Egerton. While living in Egerton’s home, he begins a relationship with his master’s ward, Anne. Secretly marries Anne. He’s put in prison, then under house arrest, sacked. He and Ann have 12 children. Dies just after the birth of the twelfth. He eventually takes holy orders Becomes the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral. Dies two days after sitting for a sculpture, in his shroud. Father an ironmonger Mother great niece of Catholic martyr Sir Thomas More. Born Catholic in a time when followers of this faith were not allowed to worship. Sent to Oxford (then Cambridge) to be educated as a gentleman. Continued this path when he studied law at Lincoln’s Inn. Travelled to Guinea and The Azores with Earl of Essex and Sir Walter Ralegh to raid Spanish ports Notorious amongst his friends for womanising, going to the theatre and writing clever verse.

3 Elizabeth I James VI and I

4 Manuscript Culture


6 Earl of Southampton


8 Lincoln’s Inn and Field


10 Manuscript Culture Writing poetry was seen as a pursuit for gentlemen. Courtiers wrote poetry to impress. John Donne was one of these gentlemen poets. Evidence of JD reading poetry with his fellow law students. Poets wrote verse for powerful people, to impress and gain influence. Poets such as Shakespeare and Donne wrote poems for their powerful patrons. None of Donne’s noteable poetry was published (printed) until after his death.

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