Skills for Doctoral Research:

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Presentation on theme: "Skills for Doctoral Research:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Skills for Doctoral Research:
Connecting Research Questions to Research Methodology Seminar Objectives: Analyze key principles associated with aligning research questions and methodologies Select the best research methodology for various research questions Justify the best methodology for a research question Seminar Activities: Welcome and Overview (5 min.) Aligning Research Question and Methodology Discussion (15 min.) Selecting the Best Methodology for Your Question: Group Activity 1 (15 min.) Activity Debrief and Q&A (20 min.)

2 Video Debrief: Aligning Research Question and Methodology
For the methodologies under consideration, what rationale is provided for the provided research question? What questions are raised when comparing different methodologies?

3 Group Discussion What are some defining characteristics of the following approaches to research? Qualitative Quantitative Mixed Methods

4 Defend the Methodology Choice for Your Research
Student Practice Activity What methodology best aligns with your research question? Write 2- or -3 justification statements to support your choice.

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