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Progress of OIE Regional AI Programme in Southeast Asia

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1 Progress of OIE Regional AI Programme in Southeast Asia
OIE Avian Influenza (AI) Meeting Siem Reap, Cambodia, 16 March 2007 Teruhide Fujita OIE Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific

2 Contents Background information about HPAI Control Programme in Southeast Asia OIE/Japan Project (with 4 components) Past and present situation Future actions for the OIE/Japan Project

3 HPAI (H5N1) situation in Asia
2006 Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia (Wild species), Myanmar, Pakistan and Vietnam 2007 (January and February) Hong Kong (Wild species, January), Japan (January), Rep. of Korea (January), Pakistan (February), Laos (February) and Thailand

4 HPAI Control Programme in Southeast Asia
(OIE/Japan Special Trust Fund Project on HPAI Control at Source in Asia) Background information; *Beijing Meeting, 159 million USD pledged by Japan *OIE/FAO Programme to control HPAI at Source in Southeast Asia *OIE Project with 4 components

5 OIE/FAO HPAI Programme (1)
About 20 million USD for both Projects (OIE & FAO) Plan of implementation from April 2006-March 2007 OIE components: Regional/National level FAO components: Field level and linkages with production

6 OIE/FAO HPAI Programme (2)
Collaboration mechanism Collaboration between the two organizations to avoid duplication and to maximize synergies Tokyo Conference; April 2006 Joint Steering Committees (Implementation level; 1st and 2nd in Bangkok, Donor, OIE, FAO and MCs, Co-chaired by OIE and FAO) Coordination Committee (Coordination functions to review, modify and reflect outcomes of the Steering Committee Meetings; 1st in Tokyo and 2nd in Bangkok, Donor, OIE, FAO and MCs, Chaired by OIE Tokyo)

7 HPAI and OIE Special Trust Fund for the OIE component : About 8 million USD Regular Fund: HPAI as a targeted disease under GF-TADs Programme

8 OIE/Japan Special Trust Fund Programme for AI Control
Government of Japan OIE Paris (HQ) Regional Meetings with CVOs and other national officers for initiation and evaluation of activities OIE Tokyo FAO Bangkok FAO Bangkok OIE HPAI Coordinator, Bangkok Regional Level Development of Regional Strategies including contingency plans, information sharing for early warning Capacity building: Software; Support to Control Strategy Development, Capacity building of diagnosis and surveillance, etc., Training for veterinarians and para-professionals on strategic surveillance (meetings, hands-on workshops, etc.) Hardware; Provision of laboratory diagnostic equipment and materials for capacity building Development of Epidemiology Information Systems (computer software) National Level Development of National Strategies and Training


10 OIE HPAI Project 4 components
To encourage the improvement of regional and national HPAI control strategies including the development of a contingency plan To encourage HPAI information sharing to further strengthen regional early warning systems To strengthen diagnostic capacity of regional collaborating laboratories and national reference/diagnostic laboratories for HPAI including the holding of training courses on advanced HPAI diagnosis and installment of high-performance diagnostic equipment To hold training courses for field veterinarians and para-professionals on HPAI strategic surveillance

11 Component I: HPAI strategy formulation and improvement (1)
Obtaining documentations of National strategies from the participating countries (Done) Preliminary review of the National strategies (Done) Further review (on-going) Consultation with the participating countries for reviewing and recommendations (on going)

12 Component I: HPAI strategy formulation and improvement (2)
Improvement of National HPAI Control Strategies (on going) Improvement of the Regional HPAI Control Strategies (on going) Workshops: (a) the first ASEAN meeting in Jakarta, in October 2006; (b) the second ASEAN workshop on Emergency preparedness, Containment, Stamping-out and vaccination in February 2007, and (c) the third OIE/ASEAN workshop in August 2007 Review of and final recommendations for the Regional Strategies (by the end of September 2007)

13 Component II: Establishment of Regional HPAI Information network
Regional workshop on HPAI Information systems (Done in Bangkok, September 2006) Regional training workshop on Epidemiological information of HPAI in collection and analysis (Done in Bangkok, July 2006) National workshops on Epidemiological information collection and analysis (①Hanoi, Vietnam in November 2006, ②Philippines in January 2007 and ③Indonesia in February 2007) Others in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, etc. to be implemented after obtaining of the copy right for translation of the original version of English to local languages. Negotiation on-going Development of computer software for HPAI information systems (on going) Provision of personal computers to participating countries for information network (on going)

14 Capacity building for laboratory diagnosis and surveillance on HPAI
Component III: Procurement/provision of modern laboratory equipment and materials for HPAI diagnostic capacity building (1) Capacity building for laboratory diagnosis and surveillance on HPAI Selection of National laboratories to be strengthened under the Project (Done) Identification of the equipment and materials (Done) Verification/finalization of the equipment list (Done) Formal agreements b/w OIE and authorities of the participating countries (Partly done and others on going)

15 Component III: Procurement/provision of modern laboratory equipment and materials for HPAI diagnostic capacity building (2) Procurement 6. Contract for procurement and renovation (JICS was finally selected after comparison of public procurement organizations) 7. Contract between OIE and JICS (done) 8. Procurement of equipment and materials and Renovation of national laboratories (by the end of September 2007) Training 9. Regional workshop for Sequencing, etc. Bangkok, March 2007 10. National training workshops on laboratory diagnosis: (a) On the Job Training in Thailand (b) Training at national laboratories

16 Major Equipment for Laboratories
Centrifuge, Incubator, Supplementary Equipment, Reagents, Etc. Cycler for Real-Time PCR Sequencer (for central ref. lab) Biosafety Cabinet C II Review of Lab Equipment of Respective National Laboratories Identification of Equipment and Materials Installment of Equipment for Laboratories 10

17 Example of laboratory in the field

18 Exchange of Notes for Installment
Representative, OIE, Tokyo Letter with a List of Equipment HQ, Paris Procurement Agent Country,A Country,B Country,C Within Deadline Confirmation Letter from countries Contract between OIE HQ and Procurement Agent 14

19 Component IV: Training of field veterinarians and para-professionals
Preparation for national training (on going) a Regional workshop and National training workshops under preparation)

20 Continued actions for the Project
The extension of the project implementation period Development/Improvement of Regional/National Strategies 3. Development of Animal Health Information Systems (HPAI Regional Core) 4. Provision of modern equipment for capacity building on diagnosis and surveillance (a) Procurement and (b) Renovation 5. Various Meetings/Workshops including Hands-on Training and OJT, and Training Field Veterinarians and Para-professionals

21 Thank you for your attention!!
T. Fujita, OIE Tokyo

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