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Or … How to Impress Math and Science Teachers

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Presentation on theme: "Or … How to Impress Math and Science Teachers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Or … How to Impress Math and Science Teachers
GREAT GRAPHING!! Or … How to Impress Math and Science Teachers

2 Bar or Line? One of the first things one needs to do when graphing is decide whether to make a bar graph or a line graph.

3 Bar Graphs are used for comparing
This bar graph compares the unemployment rates for people with different levels of education.

4 Line graphs are used for showing trends
This graph shows that the trend is that sales are increasing each year.

5 Line graphs also show relationships
This graph shows the relationship between elevation and temperature. The higher the elevation, the lower the temperature.

6 Remember TAILS DRY MIX In order to make good graphs, all you have to remember is TIALS, DRY, and MIX

7 TAILS T is for Title

8 Point out the title People forget titles about 1/2 the time

9 TAILS A is for Axis We’ll talk more about the axis later

10 The Y axis goes up and down
The X axis goes side to side

11 TAILS I is for Interval

12 Interval means make sure that each line is always worth the same amount…
Like here they went by 5’s

13 TAILS L is for Label People forget to label their axis about 1/3 of the time


15 S is for Scale TAILS Make your graph big enough to be easily read.
Use the whole paper or space instead of putting a tiny graph over in one corner


17 Remember that A was for Axis???
When figuring out what goes on which axis remember: DRY MIX

18 DRY DRY means that the: D ependent or
R esponding variable belongs on the Y -axis

19 The percent depends on the quarter so the percent is the dependent or responding variable and belongs on the Y axis

20 MIX MIX means that the: M anipulated or
I ndependent variable belongs on the X -axis

21 The Quarter is what we’re changing or manipulating so it is the independent variable and belongs on the X axis Review TAILS DRY and MIX

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