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New Unit: Life’s Challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "New Unit: Life’s Challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Unit: Life’s Challenges

2 Key Words Look up a definition for the following words and write them in a separate word document
Challenge Unique Transition Adolescent Coping Strategies Gender Stereotype Opportunity Influence Employment

3 Challenges and Opportunities
All people experience challenges through out their lives. These are unique to each individual because situations and circumstances are all different Health is enhanced when challenges are treated as opportunities rather than threats

4 ‘Life wasn't mean to be easy’
Adolescence Peer Pressure to engage in risky activities Time of growth and change Finding place in a peer group Adolescence is a challenging time. Can you think of other challenges that people face during adolescence. Fill them into the remaining bubbles

5 Definitions Challenge: a ________ to prove or justify something, invite (someone) to _________ in a contest. Unique: being the only _______ of its kind; __________ anything else. Transition: the process or a _________of _____________ from one state or condition to another. Adolescent: (of a young person) in the ____________ of developing from a ________ into an adult. Coping Strategies: refer to the specific efforts, both ___________and psychological, that people employ to master, __________, reduce, or ____________ stressful events. Gender: the state of being ________ or ______________. Stereotype: a widely held but fixed and _________________ image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Opportunity: a ________ or set of circumstances that makes it _______________ to do something. Influence: the _____________ to have an ___________ on the character, __________________, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself. Employment: the _________ of having _______ work.


7 Challenges don’t stop after adolescence
Predict the possible challenges you may face in the future. Provide at least 5 examples Eg having children

8 Now and in the future Challenges can provide opportunities for personal growth. Consider if you have ever participated in a challenge activity such as a high ropes course or rock climbing wall. To some people they provide a great challenge as the fear of heights in particular make them question their ability to overcome. What are some feeling experienced by people who overcome such a challenge? ( List)


10 Dealing with challenges
Challenges are not always dealt with positively but in these cases, people are given the opportunity to learn from mistakes. By analysing how you manage the challenges you face, you will be able to learn what was beneficial and what wasn't, how you reacted emotionally and how best to manage your emotions, and also more about your own needs and value system. Talking to someone you trust can provide you with an objective perspective, and help you identify positive outcomes and things you could have done differently for a better outcome.

11 Positive life experiences
Most young people will enjoy a number of positive experiences as they meet the changes and challenges of adolescence. Identifying these positive experiences can help support your sense of self and can contribute to positive relationships.

12 Positive life Experiences
Provide examples of positive life experience that can occur in each of the following categories How did these make you feel? How did they impact On your relationships With others? Activity Positive life Experiences Personal experiences Peer Experiences Work experiences Family experiences

13 Positive experiences will be different for everyone

14 Activities Think of a recent experience that you found challenging.
Explain why it was challenging. Describe what you felt and how you managed the challenge. Explain what you learnt from the experience and the things you would do differently, if any. Share your experience with a partner and discuss other ways you could have managed the challenge. With your partner, brainstorm a list of future life challenges, how you might manage them and the opportunities they present for you to learn and grow.

15 Blind Side Watch key scenes from the movie and answer the questions on challenge and opportunities/experiences

16 Definitions Challenge: a call to prove or justify something, invite (someone) to engage in a contest. Unique: being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else. Transition: the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. Adolescent: (of a young person) in the process of developing from a child into an adult. Coping Strategies: refer to the specific efforts, both behavioral and psychological, that people employ to master, tolerate, reduce, or minimize stressful events. Gender: the state of being male or female. Stereotype: a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Opportunity: a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. Influence: the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself. Employment: the state of having paid work.

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