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Bones! 2 categories Function: Axial Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton

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1 Bones! 2 categories Function: Axial Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton
Support, protection, body movement, hematopoeisis, fat storage, mineral storage

2 Axial Skeleton Skull, vertebral column, and thorax


4 Classification of bones
Long Bones: Longer than they are wide Ex: humerus, radius Short Bones: Bones that are somewhat cube-shaped Ex: Tarsals (ankle bones), carpals (wrist bones) Flat Bones: Thin with 2 layers of compact bones sandwiching spongy bone Ex: Cranial bones (skull), ribs, scapula Irregular Bones: Varied shape Ex: vertebrae Wormian Bones (sutural bones): Bones within the sutures (joints) of the skull Sesamoid Bones: Bones that develop in tendons Ex: Patellae (knee caps)


6 Bone Markings Reveal where the bones form joints; where muscles, tendons, and ligaments attach; where blood vessels and nerves are passed 2 groups: 1 ) projections/ processes 2) Depressions/ cavities

7 Processes/ Projections
Process – extension of a bone away from the bone’s surface. Line - narrow ridge or border. Example: linea aspera of femur. Condyle – rounded eminence that articulates with a depression or a fossa on another bone. Epicondyle – raised, rounded area located above a condyle. Trochanter – very large, roughened, raised area found on the femur.  Tuberosity – similar to a trochanter but smaller. Crest – narrow ridge of bone. Tubercle – small rough process for muscle or tendon attachment Spine – sharp, slender projection Head – rounded, enlarged end of a long bone, Sits atop a narrow portion of the bone called the neck. Ramus - arm-like bar of bone

8 Depressions/ Cavities
Fossa – shallow depression that usually articulates with a condyle or head of another bone. Sometimes referred to as cavities. Foramen (pl. foramina) – hole for passage of nerves, blood vessels, or the spinal cord. Meatus – canal-like passageway. Facet - Smooth flat articular surface. Ex: Superior Articular facet of vertebra. Forms parts of joints. Line - narrow ridge or border. Example: linea aspera of femur. Sinus - hollow cavity within bone Fissure – deep grooves or slit-like opening

9 f Cranial Bones Facial Bones g

10 Anterior Aspects of the Skull

11 Inferior Portion of the Skull


13 Fig. 8.10a

14 Form most of the superior and lateral aspects of the skull
Figure 7.3a

15 Inferior Portion of the Skull
Figure 7.4b

16 Sphenoid Bone Figure 7.6a, b


18 Hyoid



21 Skull: Posterior View (Wormian Bone) Figure 7.2b

22 Figure 7.11 Title: Small Facial Bones Caption: Facial bones, anterior view Notes: Many small bones contribute to facial architecture including: nasal bones, the vomer, inferior nasal conchae, zygomatic bones, and lacrimal bones.


24 Parietal Bones and Major Associated Sutures






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