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Presentation on theme: "SPI activities update 22nd WORKING GROUP C PLENARY MEETING"— Presentation transcript:

1 SPI activities update 22nd WORKING GROUP C PLENARY MEETING
21st March 2012 Brussels Meeting held under the Danish EU Presidency

2 Introduction to SPI Science-Policy Interface (SPI) ad hoc activity under CIS mandate Objective to support implementation of WFD by linking research needs of relevant end-users (policy makers, water managers, NGOs….) with scientific researchers and outputs. Main goal is to ensure a dynamic interface and to boost usability of available research outcomes (current and future) Co-led: DG RTD and ONEMA (French National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments

3 Process Series of tasks:
Inventory of research and implementation needs from CIS WGs Identify available research and research gaps Improved knowledge transfer and usability of research outputs st questionnaire on research priorities- completed, followed by workshop 2011 – 2nd questionnaire to review priorities 2012 – collation of WG feedback, prioritisation (June 2012), road map, reporting (Autumn 2012)

4 2011 WGC Questionnaire 1. Review/update list of research areas/issues – partially completed to reflect earlier priorities from WGC and SPI event 2. For each, identify (using scores 1-3): (a). Priority for WFD, (b). Urgency. (c). New knowledge needed 3. Provide copies of reports, references, links relevant to research outcomes (current and completed) Deadline for return: 25th November 2011

5 Research Areas Identified from 2010 questionnaire, WGC discussion and SPI follow-up workshop: Climate change GW-dependent ecosystems GW ecosystems Urban areas Pollutants Programmes of measures

6 Questionnaire responses
Only 6 returns: F, IE, SK, S, UK, IAH To be placed on CIRCA Key priorities: Scoring an average of >2.5 (out of 3) on priority

7 Climate change impacts
SUBJECT Priority Urgency Knowledge 1. CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS 1.1. Effects on groundwater level by demand (abstraction). 2.8 1.5 1.7 1.2. Surface water – groundwater interaction changes in 2.3 1.4. Changes in groundwater-chemistry/ quality due to climate change 2.5 1.3 2.7 1.5. Changes in groundwater quantity/availability 2.2 1.8. Extreme rainfall events and groundwater e.g. microbiological pollution and impacts on drinking water supply 1.2 1.10. Methodology to assess groundwater vulnerability to climate change (primary and secondary effects), visualisation tools CC workshop – mandate for research feedback

8 GW Dependent Ecosystems
SUBJECT Priority Urgency Knowledge 2. GROUNDWATER DEPENDENT ECOSYSTEMS 2.1. Ecosystem requirements – classification system 3.0 2.5 2.2. Classification of GW fluctuation/hydrology 2.7 2.0 2.2 2.3. Criteria for environmental quality objectives 2.6 2.4. Ecosystems in the unsaturated an hyporheic zones and (relevance for processes for surface water - groundwater interaction 1.8 2.3

9 Pollutants SUBJECT Priority Urgency Knowledge 5. POLLUTANTS
5.2. Emerging Pollutants 2.8 2.2 2.3 5.3. Good understanding of the process involved in the degradation of emerging pollutants needed (soil, unsatured zone, degradation products, etc) 2.0 5.4. Assessment criteria, environmental objectives 2.7 1.8

10 POMS and other needs SUBJECT Priority Urgency Knowledge
6. PROGRAMMES OF MEASURES 6.3. Assessing the efficiency of measures in agriculture 3.0 2.3 2.2 ADDITIONAL RESEARCH ISSUES Potential impact of unconventional hydrocarbon exploitation on groundwater 3 Assessment of the impacts of future pressures (quantity and quality) 2

11 Conclusions Sample very small compared to size of WGC membership
Still an opportunity to return questionnaire – by end of May Priorities identified: Climate change, GW-dependent ecosystems, pollutants, efficiency of POMs, unconventional energy Lower priorities to: GW ecosystems and Urban areas Next step is to shortlist and prepare ‘policy brief’ for top three topics  This is an opportunity to influence future European funding priorities


13 SPI Mandate: 3 Tasks over 2010-2012
Compile feedback from users and future research needs Ensure efficient transfer and uptake of scientific knowledge Task 1 Inventory of research and implementation needs from CIS groups - Inventory of the needs for each CIS WG (based on a questionnaire followed by discussion within or back to back with regular meetings of the WGs) Compilation of the needs from the different WGs Task 2 Available research and research gaps Inventory of available research results relevant to CIS research and implementation needs. Discussion of research gaps on a yearly basis within each CIS Working Group or Activity A list of priority research topics to be communicated to the CIS Strategic Coordination Group once a year, as well as to relevant funding organisations (DG RTD, JPIs, ERA-NETs, others) Task 3 Improving transfer and usability of research outputs Organisation of Water Science meets Policy events (possibly linked to a Water ERA-NET), Compilation of synthesis (2 pages) to translate results from existing RTD projects into “Science-Policy Briefs” (posted on website and CIRCA) Contributing to demonstration of applicability (pilot zones) How does this activity work? Task 1: Inventory of research and implementation needs from CIS groups Each CIS-group makes an inventory of the needs on their field of activity based on their mandates. This can be based on a questionnaire within each WG followed by discussion within or back to back with regular meetings of the WGs. The SPI-group compiles the needs from the different WGs, and ensures that information on existing knowledge is transferred (Task 2), or that gaps are relayed to relevant funding organisations (Task 3). Task 2: Available research and research gaps Inventory of available research results relevant to CIS research and implementation needs. Discussion of research gaps on a yearly basis within each CIS Working Group or Activity A list of priority research topics to be communicated to the CIS Strategic Coordination Group once a year, as well as to relevant funding agencies (DG RTD, JPIs, ERA-NETs, others) Task 3: Improving transfer and usability of research outputs Organisation of Water Science meets Policy events (possibly linked to a Water ERA-NET), Guidance in compilation of synthesis (2 pages) for policy-makers To translate results from existing local/national and EU RTD projects into “Science-Policy Briefs” of relevance to CIS needs To highlight key scientific outputs supporting technical water policy milestones, To be posted on the WFD europa website and CIRCA, and possibly translated in different EU languages to widen taken-up by MS. Contributing to demonstration of applicability : encouraging science-policy networking at most appropriate level (from EU to catchment level). Particular attention is paid to transferring information at the most appropriate timing so that it can be taken up by DG RTD for the yearly programming of the FP work programme (e.g. in March every year) and similarly for the ERANET

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