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Steriods: A good thing in Childhood MPGN ?

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Presentation on theme: "Steriods: A good thing in Childhood MPGN ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Steriods: A good thing in Childhood MPGN ?
By Brent Lee Lechner CPT, MC, USA

2 History 10 year old White Female presents to PCP:
Periorbital edema during trip to Netherlands, which started 15 days prior visit Dark red urine the day of the visit along with ankle edema Dipstick of Urine: Protein 3+, Large Blood No Hypertension, Creatinine at 0.7 mg/dl Sent to Peds Nephrology within 2 days

3 History No rashes, no joint pain, and no fevers
No sore throat, no skin infections Strep. culture taken negative Fatigue and decreased appetite URI symptoms prior to trip to Netherlands Runny nose, cough and congestion Zithromax given for sinusitis

4 Past History PMHx: PSHx: FHx: Imm: UTD All: NKDA Few otitis media
No UTI No renal stones No admission to hospital PSHx: None FHx: No ESRD No Renal Stones No Hematuria No Autoimmune Disease Imm: UTD All: NKDA

5 Physical Examination T: 37.1 C P:81 BP: 132/82 R:18 PO2:100%
Head: NC, 0 lesions Eyes: PERRLA, EOMI, B Fundo:Nml B eyelid Edema 2+/4 Ears: B Clear TM Nose: Non-swollen turbinates Throat: Non-red, clear, 0 exudate Neck: Supple, 0 mass, 0 JVD 0 Stiffness Chest: RRR, S1, S2, 0 murmur Lungs: B CTA good air movement 0 Wheezing 0 lymph nodes Abdomen: ND/NT, Soft, BS(+) 0 HSM Ext: 0 c/c; From; Cap Refill<2s Edema Ankles: 2+ pitting edema B No edema in UE Skin: 0 Rashes; 0 Impetigo

6 LABS CBC CHEM 10 11.9 6.7 339 133 108 15 36.9 3.7 21.0 0.8

7 LABS Urinanalysis Urine Micro pH 6.0 SG 1.030 Ketones (-) Glucose (-)
Nitrates (-) LE (-) Protein 3+ Blood Large Urine Micro TNTC RBCs 10-20 RBC cast/ hpf 50+ Dysmorphic RBCs/hpf 5-7 Granular Casts/hpf

8 Labs C3: 16 C4: 29 ANA < 1:40 Strep Serologies: Negative
Albumin 1.9 mg/dl Hepatitis Screen (-) HIV screen (-) Urine Protein to Creatinine ratio: 8.8

9 Army Air Ambulance

10 History One Month: Daily journal and school nurse recording BP
increasing BP, more edema, weight gain and some ascites Slightly elevated creatinine to 1.4 mg/dl Repeat C3 showed low C3 at 20 Anemia worsening at Hct: 24.4% Admitted to the Hospital BP control with medication Renal Biopsy

11 Army CSH

12 Follow Up History Started on Prednisone 60 mg qd after IV Solumedrol pulse in the hospital Developed Shingles Treated with Valcyclovir Attempt to reduce Prednisone to qod Unsuccessful Creatinine increased to 2.2 mg/dl

13 Follow Up History Two weeks after steriod reduction:
Creatinine rose to 2.8mg/dl and 3.1 mg/dl Admission to hospital Massive Ascites developed Creatinine rose to 4.7 mg/dl, despite pulse steriods Patient started on Peritoneal Dialysis Prednisone 60 mg qd

14 Continued History One week of peritoneal dialysis
Patient responded to Steroids and creatinine reduced to 1.7 mg/dl Several more attempts to reduce to Prednisone qod: unsuccessful Bump in her creatinine with return to baseline after Prednisone dose resumed Occasional readmission to hospital due to massive ascites and uncontrolled HTN

15 Humanitarian Relief

16 MPGN Type II Children > 5 years of age, Male=Female
Caucasians and reports of familial clusters 95% low plasma C3 50% Anemic 50 % 10-year renal survival (Cameron et al) 1983 West CD Alternate day 60 mg/m2 Prednisone Retrospective study 71 patients: Renal Survival at 10 year mark 82, 56% after 20 years

17 Do steroids aid in the regression of MPGN ?
“Regression of Membranoproliferative GN Type II (DDD): Observations in Six Children” McEnery and Adams AJKD 1988

18 Do steroids aid in the regression of MPGN ?
“Regression of Membranoproliferative GN Type II (DDD): Observations in Six Children” McEnery and Adams AJKD 1988

19 More Humanitarian Relief

20 Do steroids aid in the regression of MPGN ?
“Treatment of MPGN with qod prednisone – a report of The International Study of Kidney Disease in Children” Tarish (1992) Ped Nephrology Controlled, double-blinded Study Years: Ages: 5-17 80 Children End Point: Increase in creatinine 0.4 mg.dl

21 Do steroids aid in the regression of MPGN ?
“Treatment of MPGN with qod prednisone – a report of The International Study of Kidney Disease in Children” Tarish (1992) Ped Nephrology

22 Do steroids aid in the regression of MPGN ?
“Treatment of MPGN with qod prednisone – a report of The International Study of Kidney Disease in Children” Tarish (1992) Ped Nephrology

23 Do steroids aid in the regression of MPGN ?
“Treatment of MPGN with qod prednisone – a report of The International Study of Kidney Disease in Children” Tarish (1992) Ped Nephrology

24 Cadets At Yankee Stadium

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