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Rome and the Gladiators

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Presentation on theme: "Rome and the Gladiators"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome and the Gladiators

2 The complete quiz comprises of 6 rounds.
Suggestions … 1. Break into teams of 3 to 6 or people. 2. Each team should choose a captain. 3. Each team should choose a team name. Nb: maximum of 3 points for team names. 4. After each round the team with the lowest score can steal a player from any other team. Nb. captains cannot be transferred. Some rounds work well using mini whiteboards.

3 To access the accompanying answer template

4 Round 1 Multiple Choice

5 A B C D 1 : The odd one out ? Romulus She-wolf Remus
7 Fishing Villages

6 2 : Gladiator contests were popular in ( 2 )
200 BC B 500 BC C 500 AD D 60 AD

7 3 : Odd one out ? A B C D Slaves Criminals Professionals
Prisoners of War

8 A B C D 4 : MOST popular types of gladiator ( 2 ) Women Criminals
Professionals D Bestiarii

9 A B C D 5 : Gladiators were usually based on … Enemies of Rome
Roman Soldiers C Famous Soldiers D Greek Athletes

10 6 : The capacity of the Colosseum ..
5000 B 50 000 C D 500

11 7 : Another correct spelling of Colosseum
Collosseum B Coliseum C Koloseum D Colliseum

12 8 : Did NOT take place in the Colosseum
Gladiator Fights B Animals v Animals C Naval Battles D Chariot Racing

13 9 : What were Christians thrown to ?
Hippos B The Dogs The Lions C D Zebras

14 A Bestiarii B C D Professionals
10 : Usually sent to fight animals without armour? A Bestiarii B Prisoners of War C Criminals D Professionals

15 End Of Round 1 The team with the lowest score can steal a player from any other team.

16 Round 2 Complete the quotes

17 Add the missing words 1 : There was a magic about the games which they seemed to like. Entry to the games was ___________. 2 and 3 : But what pleasure is there in seeing a _______ human mangled by a _________ beast 4 and 5 :The people no longer care about who rules them. An emperor or a senate, They long eagerly for just two things - _______ and _________!’ 6 and 7 :The amphitheatre will end up looking like a slaughterhouse. There's even a ________ who fights from a __________."  8 :Why can’t he die more quickly? They must fight. Oh-it’s the break. Let’s have someone __________ while we wait”   9 :Alypius, is at first _________ and disgusted by the violence, but then has a change of heart 10 :They've got a fresh shipment in. There's not a _______ in that batch.

18 Add the missing words – answers
Add the missing words – answers. 1 : There was a magic about the games which they seemed to like. Entry to the games was free. 2 and 3 : But what pleasure is there in seeing a puny human mangled by a powerful beast 4 and 5 :The people no longer care about who rules them. An emperor or a senate, They long eagerly for just two things - bread and games!’ 6 and 7 :The amphitheatre will end up looking like a slaughterhouse. There's even a girl who fights from a chariot."  8 :Why can’t he die more quickly? They must fight. Oh-it’s the break. Let’s have someone strangled while we wait”   9 :Alypius, is at first repulsed and disgusted by the violence, but then has a change of heart 10 :They've got a fresh shipment in. There's not a slave in that batch.

19 End Of Round 2 The team with the lowest score can steal a player from any other team.

20 Round 3 Q and A

21 1 : The story of Romulus and Remus is a *****

22 Myth

23 2 : What was different about a professional gladiator compared to slaves, criminals and POW’s?

24 They volunteered / chose to fight. They had a choice.

25 3 : Make the longest word from the following letters ( 1 point for each letter) HAREERHPMAIT
Click for clock!

26 Amphitheatre

27 4 : What was the name given to the fighting of animals in the Colosseum?

28 Venatio

29 5 : Give the TWO names for the place where chariot racing took place

30 1 :Circus Maximus 2: Hippodrome

31 6 :What was the capacity of the Circus Maximus?


33 7 : What were the two weapons given to a Retiarii?

34 1: Trident 2: Net

35 8 : Give up to 3 reasons why the emperors put on the gladiator games

36 1 : to keep the warlike culture of the Romans alive
1 : to keep the warlike culture of the Romans alive. 2: to increase their popularity with the people. 3: to distract Roman people from their real problems – sound familiar ?

37 9 : How many trapdoors were there in the Colosseum?

38 36!

39 10 : Name the two ‘costumed attendants’ that would hit a dead gladiator with a hammer and then poke with a hot iron.

40 1 : Charon 2: Mercury

41 End Of Round 3 The team with the lowest score can steal a player from any other team.

42 Round 4 List 10 benefits of being a gladiator

43 Suggested answers

44 Food Shelter Medical Attention Money Earn freedom Glory Women
Fame Training Other ?

45 End Of Round 4 The team with the lowest score can steal a player from any other team.

46 Round 5 True or false

47 Question 1 All gladiator fights were fights to the death

48 False

49 Question 2 Some emperors fought in the Colosseum

50 True

51 Question 3 Gladiator contesta were part of Roman life for 700 years

52 True

53 Question 4 Volunteers could stand in as tribute and replace slaves in the arena

54 True

55 Question 5 Gladiators fought on average once a week

56 False It was 2-3 times a year

57 Question 6 The first gladiator contest took place in 264 AD

58 False It was c264 BC

59 Question 7 One type of contest was a ‘last man standing’ battle in which all gladiators fought to the last one alive.

60 True

61 Question 8 The gladiator named ‘Flamma’ was so good he was awarded his freedom on two occasions. However, he continued to fight until he was killed aged 30.

62 False He was offered his freedom FOUR times!

63 Question 9 The emperor Commodus fought in the Colosseum but made his opponents fight with only a wooden sword.

64 True

65 Question 10 The Romans killed so many animals in the arena that they completely wiped out some species of animals.

66 True

67 End Of Round 5 The team with the lowest score can steal a player from any other team.

68 Round 6 Images – gladiator types

69 1 2 3 7 6 4 5 10 8 9

70 1 2 3 7 6 4 5 10 8 9 Retiarius Secutor Equite Dimachaerus Murmillo
Scissor Samnite 10 8 9 Hoplomachus Thracian Bestiarii

71 End of the icHistory Quiz!

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