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1: ASCE 2018 MN Report Card Legislative Water Commission

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1 1: ASCE 2018 MN Report Card Legislative Water Commission
December 10, 2018 Jason Staebell, PE and Dennis Martenson, PE

2 2: MN Report Card Grades Aviation: B Bridges: C Dams: C
Drinking Water: C- Energy: C Ports C+ Roads: D+ Transit: C- Wastewater: C GPA: C

3 3: Drinking Water: Grade C-
EPA estimates Minnesota will need $7.5 billion over the next 20 years Unless funding is increased, this could result in delayed infrastructure projects or raised local user fees

4 4: Drinking Water: Grade C-
The five-year need identified by the 2017 Drinking Water Project Priority List has increased by over 60% in the last two years to a total of 330 projects at a cost of $559 million

5 5: Drinking Water (RAISE THE GRADE)
Increase funding for the Drinking Water Revolving Fund Encourage the use of asset management and development of asset management plans at the local level

6 6: Drinking Water (RAISE THE GRADE)
Increase the Safe Drinking Water Connection Fee so that the Minnesota Department of Health has adequate funding to support Minnesota’s drinking water systems. The Legislature has not increased this fee since 2005 and it is insufficient Act to educate the public on water quality issues and the challenges involved in maintaining a drinking water system.

7 7: Wastewater: Grade C Greater Minnesota & 7-County Metro area
MN Pop.: Total = 5.6 M TCMA = 3.3 M; GM = 1.4 M; Rural = 0.9 M Collection Systems only & WWTPs: Total = 816 TCMA = 131 (23 WWTPs) GM = 685 (556 WWTPs)

8 8: Wastewater: Grade C Greater Minnesota lesser ability to pay generally Fees in Greater MN are generally much higher and will continue to rise as population declines Metropolitan area generally has a greater ability to pay fees

9 9: Wastewater: Grade C 84% of residents receive wastewater treatment from a centralized collection and treatment system The remaining 16% of residents use on-site systems (primarily septic systems)

10 10: Wastewater: Grade C An estimated additional $236 million is needed annually to provide adequate (capital) funding Ratepayers in the Twin Cities were charged a fee of $268/yr on average (GM up to approx. 3 x more)

11 11: Wastewater (RAISE THE GRADE)
Increase funding for the Clean Water Revolving Fund (which funds wastewater infrastructure) to provide the requisite lending capacity from the PFA The Legislature should consider using Clean Water Legacy funds for wastewater treatment plant projects rather than just use those funds for nonpoint source stormwater projects

12 12: Wastewater (RAISE THE GRADE)
Consider implementing necessary changes to the pricing (revenue) used to cover expenses for wastewater systems Educate the public on the potential impacts that inadequate wastewater infrastructure can have on water quality and public health

13 13: MN Report Card Grades Aviation: B Bridges: C Dams: C
Drinking Water: C- Energy: C Ports C+ Roads: D+ Transit: C- Wastewater: C GPA: C

14 14: Report Card Contacts Jason Staebell:

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