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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 vocabulary

2 Impunity noun SYN: exemption
DEF: to be free from punishment or consequences

3 Why?

4 Aberration noun SYN: anomaly
DEF: departure from what is expected or normal, usually negative

5 This represents aberration since Patrick is _____________.

6 Naysayer noun SYN: CYNIC DEF: person who habitually expresses negativity, who says “no” to everything

7 Would this picture look as much like a naysayer if this guy was not wearing a suit?

8 Unequivocally adv. SYN: indisputable
DEF: leaving no doubt, clear, unambiguous

9 I declare unequivocally that ______________ _________.

10 Disingenuous adj. SYN: DUPLICITOUS
DEF: not sincere, pretending to be something else, acting like you don’t know when you do

11 Write something about this picture using “disingenuous”

12 Affluent adj. SYN: WEALTHY DEF: having more than enough money, wealthy

13 Why is this a rude question?

14 Discreet adj. SYN: subtle
DEF: careful and precise in action and speech to avoid trouble and/or looking bad

15 Which is more discreet? (explain)

16 Skittish adj. SYN: jittery DEF: excitable or easily scared

17 What might this skittish cat be afraid of?

18 Unwieldy adj. SYN: cumbersome
DEF: difficult to move because of its size or weight

19 Use the word “unwieldy” to describe what is going on in this picture.

20 Errant adj. SYN: unruly DEF: Straying from the rules –
Roaming in search of adventure (“knight errant”)

21 What special impunity do the motorcyclists think they have to behave so errantly?

22 Ad hoc adj. SYN: impromptu
DEF: happening for one particular purpose only, not planned

23 Why would Satan represent
ad hoc ethics? (ethics= morals)

24 Solace noun SYN: consolation
DEF: comfort or consolation in a time of difficulty

25 Write this story in two sentences. Include “solace.”


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