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6.1 Capturing the energy in light pp

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1 6.1 Capturing the energy in light pp. 111-113
Photosynthesis = converting light energy into chemical energy Photo = light Synthesis = to make something Convert = to change Chemical = a physical substance Can you name another way energy is converted from one form to another?

2 6.1 Capturing the energy in light pp. 111-113

3 6.1 Capturing the energy in light pp. 111-113
Autotroph = organism that makes its own food Auto = self troph= food or eat Light energy stored in chemical bonds of organic compounds (sugars, oils, starches) Done by green plants, algae, some bacteria

4 6.1 Capturing the energy in light pp. 111-113
Heterotroph = organism that eats other organisms Hetero = different troph = food Worm, bird, you… All food energy is directly or indirectly from the sun (Food Chain): Sun →→ plant →→ cow →→ you

5 6.1 Capturing the energy in light pp. 111-113

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