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Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Slippery Salamandar

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Presentation on theme: "Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Slippery Salamandar"— Presentation transcript:

1 Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Slippery Salamandar
By: Margaret Slattery

2 Reading Objective Today’s objective is compare and constrast. Students will be able to list how events or characters are the same and how they are different.

3 Day : 1 Reading Goal: Problem and solution Team Cooperation Goal: Completing Tasks Genre: Narrative

4 Rate and Review Rate and review you vocabulary words by yourself. Ask yourself : Can you read the word? Can you define the word? Can you use the word in a sentence? Be honest with yourself.

5 Context clues- find the meaning of the boldface words using apposition.
His pertinacity, or stubbornness, is the cause of most of his trouble. My opponent's argument is fallacious or absolutely wrong. The girl was churlish – rude, sullen and absolutely ill-mannered. stubbornness Absolutely wrong rude

6 Objective: Problem and Solution
Students will identify a problem the character faces and think about how they solve the problem. Thing One tell Thing Two what the objective is. Thing Two tell Thing One what the objective is.

7 Review Vocabulary with Partner- 5min
Can you pronounce it Can you give the definition Can you use it in a sentence

8 Check out our vocabulary words!

9 Ordinary: normal Compared to Indiana Jones who lives an exciting life, my life is very ordinary.

10 Alexis has many skills, and his greatest talent is playing the piano.
ability Alexis has many skills, and his greatest talent is playing the piano.

11 Our class went to Natural History Museum and saw the dinosaur exhibit.
display Our class went to Natural History Museum and saw the dinosaur exhibit.

12 My bike was stolen last week when I left it outside over night.
$100 reward for information Stolen: Taken illegally My bike was stolen last week when I left it outside over night.

13 Volunteered: Worked without pay
The volunteer workers packed up the food for the homeless until 1:00 in the morning even though they knew they wouldn’t get paid.

14 examining: inspecting
The scientist was examining the germ under the microscope to see if it was what was making everyone sick.

15 What is a recent problem you faced? How did you solve the problem?
Building Background What is a recent problem you faced? How did you solve the problem?

16 Problem and Solution Alfred could never remember the difference between right and left. In the morning he put the wrong shoe on the wrong foot. At school he would raise his left hand when the teacher asked him to raise his right one. His friend Ginny asked him for directions to the store and Alfred told her to go left at the corner next to the school when he should have told her to go right. Ginny got lost and ended up in the local cemetery. She was so scared that now she wouldn’t talk to Alfred. Alfred decided this was a big problem. “ I’m going to learn the difference between right and left,: he told himself. He asked his mom which was his right hand and which was his left. Before he forgot, he used a dark magic marker to write a small R on the back of his right hand and a small L on his left. Then he put a small R on the bottom of his right shoe and a small L on the bottom of this left. Every couple of days for a month he would re-write the R’s and L’s on his hands and shoes when they started to fade. Now he knew which shoe went on which foot right away in the morning. He would look down if someone asked him for directions and he could see which direction was right and which was left by looking at this hands. After a month he had memorized his right and left once and for all.

17 Listening Comprehension: Tales of a Fourth
What are some problems and solutions Peter faces? By Judy Blume

18 Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Slippery Salamander

19 Partner Read- 15 minutes Survey the pages
Pictures, subtitles, headings Make predictions Look through the pages and find unfamiliar words. Put 2 sticky notes on words that are new or unfamiliar to you. As you read you will use your clarification strategies to define the word or idea. Read and restate pages 494 with partners Read 495 silently New skill-Recipicol Teaching Clarifying Questioning Predicting Summarizing

20 Team Discussion-15minutes
Discuss answers to team talk questions Write answers to questions 1,3 and 4

21 Class Discussion What words did your group clarify?
What were some problems and solutions?

22 Writing Adventures- 15 min
Page 40 in Treasure Hunt Imagine you are Encyclopedia Brown and that you are going to solve the crime at the aquarium. What questions would you need to ask? How would you start your investigation?

23 Vocabulary Practice-10 min
Complete vocabulary practice on page 41

24 Fluency – 5 min Read page 494 with partner. Give fluency score using fluency rubric.

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