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1 Labor

2 Types of Workers Blue-Collar Worker – category of workers employed in crafts, manufacturing, and non-farm labor. White-Collar Worker – category of workers employed in offices, sales, or professional positions. Agricultural Worker – category of workers involved in farm labor.

3 Categories of Skill Unskilled Worker – people whose job requires no specialized training. Semi-skilled Worker – people whose job requires some training in job-related skills, often modern technology. Skilled Worker – people who have learned a trade or craft either through a vocational school or as an apprentice. Professional – highly educated individuals with college degrees and usually additional training.

4 LABOR UNIONS Purpose – organized to improve wages and working conditions for its members. History – Labor unions became prevalent during the early 1900’s as the industrial revolution changed the US economy. Unions were instrumental in improving working conditions in factories, decreasing work hours, increasing wages, and creating child labor laws. 4


6 Examples of Labor Unions
Craft Union – union made up of skilled workers in a specific trade or industry. Example: Teachers or Plumbers Union Industrial Union – union made up of all workers in an industry regardless of job or skill level. Example: United Auto Workers AFL-CIO – American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations. Organization that combined Craft and Industrial unions.


8 Important Labor Laws National Labor Relations Act (1935)- Protects the rights of workers to form labor unions and strike if need be Fair Labor Standards Act (1938)- Gave us minimum wage, time and a half for overtime, and no child labor!

9 Labor Unions Today Recently labor unions have seen a decline in membership because of the decline in blue collar jobs in the US, and the movement of manufacturing jobs overseas.


11 Points to Ponder -Earn about 25 percent more than nonunion workers.
-73 percent of union workers have medical benefits compared to 51 percent of nonunion workers. -The average difference in pay for workers in free states and those in right-to-work states is that those in right-to-work states earn about 20 percent more than those in free states.

Collective Bargaining – process by which union and company meet to discuss the terms of worker’s contracts. Mediation – 3rd party brought in to help reach an agreement; not forced decision. Arbitration – 3rd party listens to both sides and makes a final decision.

Strike – workers in union refuse to work until demands are met. Picketing – workers carry signs outside business to alert public of issues workers have with the company. Boycott – workers urge public to refuse to purchase goods or services due to worker treatment. Injunction-Court order to stop an action. Can be used by either side. Lockout – company blocks workers from entering building until workers agree to a contract.



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