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Glycogen Metabolism Reducing end.

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1 Glycogen Metabolism Reducing end

2 Glycogen Metabolism Glycogen Breakdown (Glycogenolysis) and Glycogen Synthesis Why breakdown glycogen and not lipid to produce glc? 1. Mobilized faster 2. Can be metabolized anaerobically Glycogen breakdown Glc units are removed one at a time from the nonreducing ends by phosphorolysis

3 Glycogen Metabolism Glycogen Breakdown
Remove all the 14 branches and an additional enzyme is rec’d to remove 16

4 Glycogen Metabolism Glycogen Breakdown - Glycogen phosphorylase
First known example of an allosterically regulated enzyme First enzyme shown to be controlled by reversible phosphorylation In muscle: Resting muscle Glucagon, Epinephrine, Ca2+, AMP During vigorous muscular activity, epinephrine triggers phos Triggers glycogen breakdown

5 Glycogen Metabolism Glycogen Breakdown - Glycogen phosphorylase
In liver: phosphorylase kinase Low blood sugar - glucagon activates phosphorylase b kinase, initiates release of glc into blood

6 Glycogen Metabolism Glycogen Breakdown Fate of glucose 1-phosphate
Muscle / liver phosphoglucomutase G1P  G6P  Glycolysis If you just need glucose: Liver Gluconeogenesis or glucose 6-phosphatase Glycogen  G1P  G6P + H2O  Glc + Pi In brain & muscle: No gluconeogenesis and no glucose 6-phosphatase so get glc from gluconeogenesis in liver or from injested glc, both of which get delivered through bloodstream In liver, glycogen is a reservoir of glc, converted into blood glc that moves to other tissues In muscle, glycogen breakdown produces glc that is metabolized via glycolysis to provide ATP for muscle contraction

7 Glycogen Metabolism Glycogen Synthesis
Want to polymerize glc, need an activated form of glc - UDP-glucose Occurs in almost all tissues, especially in liver and muscle UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase Glycogen chain Glycogen synthase UDP Glycogen chain + one more glucose residue

8 Glycogen Metabolism Glycogen Synthesis

9 Glycogen Metabolism Glycogen Synthesis

10 Glycogen Metabolism Glycogen Synthesis
Glycogen synthase cannot initiate a chain - it needs a primer Protein enzyme glycogenin makes the primer Once 8 glucose molecules have been added, Glycogenin-[glc]8 is a substrate for glycogen synthase

11 Glycogen Metabolism Glycogen Synthesis
Glycogen synthase cannot make the (16) bonds found at branches, these are formed by branching enzymes

12 Glycogen Metabolism Control
Hormones reciprocally regulate synthesis and degradation by controlling the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of the key enzymes

13 Glycogen Metabolism Control
Hormones reciprocally regulate synthesis and degradation by controlling the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of the key enzymes Glucagon, epinephrine: stimulate phosphorylase inhibit synthase Insulin: inhibit phosphorylase stmulate synthase (+) Insulin (+) Glucagon, epinephrine

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