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Polymorphism: Part I.

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1 Polymorphism: Part I

2 Summary: Derived Class
‘is-a’ relationship Different from ‘has-a’ or ‘uses-a’, or … by class-in-class Public inheritance Public Private ‘protected’ Constructors/destructors Redefinition (over-riding)  … polymorphism …

3 Over-riding (not over-loading): Reusing Operations of Base Classes
class X { f(); }; Class Y : public X {}; void Y::f() { X::f(); } X x; Y y; x.f(); y.f(); Derived class may extend or replace base class function of the same name (homonym, homonymous) Therefore, it hides (or overrides) the base-class version of the function Still possible to call the base class function with scope resolution operator

4 class Employee { double pay(); } class Manager : public Employee { double Employee::pay() { return 10000; double Manager::pay() { return 10*Employee::pay(); int main () { Employee e; Manager m; cout <<; cout <<; }

5 What is Polymorphism? Polymorphism: poly + morph
(biology): the existence of two or more forms of individuals within the same animal species In programming languages implementation of ‘inheritance’ Objects belonging to different types (classes) call methods of the same name, but of different behavior. ‘over-loading’ is one type of polymorphism: static binding Same names, but different arguments ‘over-riding’ is another type, static binding Same names, but different classes ‘virtual function’ is a new type: dynamic binding Same names, but different ‘classes’ with the same hierarchy

6 Polymorphism with inheritance hierarchies
Treat objects of classes that are part of the same hierarchy as if they are objects of a single class E.g., vehicles  4-wheel vehicle  passenger car  sport car Objects can be created in any part of the chain of hierarchy Each object performs the correct tasks for that object’s type Different actions occur depending on the type of object New classes can be added with little or no modification to existing code

7 Practical Motivation the pointers/references are logically ‘compatible’ for the base and derived classes with ‘static typing or binding’, at compilation, it can only be fixed based on the ‘type/class’ of the pointers/references, but not the actual objects (base or derived class) the ‘resolution’ should be delayed to the ‘run-time’, so to introduce ‘dynamic binding’ ‘virtual function’ explicitly enforces ‘dynamic binding’

8 Pointers, Dynamic Objects, and Classes
class Employee { double pay(); } class Manager : public Employee { int main() { Employee* ep; ep = new Employee; // OK ep = new Manager; // OK Manager* mp; mp = new Manager; // OK mp = new Employee; // error! } A ‘manager’ is an ‘employee’, so an employee pointer (base class pointer) can point to a manager object (derived class object). But, an ‘employee’ is not necessarily a ‘manager’, so a manager pointer (derived class pointer) CANNOT point to an employee object (base class object)!

9 Good Pointers, but Wrong Functions!
class Employee { double pay(); } class Manager : public Employee { int main() { Employee* ep; ep = new Employee; ep = new Manager; ep->pay()? // always Employee::pay(), // never Manager::pay()!!! Whose pay?

10 ‘Virtual’ is polymorphic
class Employee { virtual double pay(); } class Manager : public Employee { double pay(); Employee* ep; ep = new Employee; ep = new Manager; ep->pay(); // always the right one, // either Employee::pay(), or Manager::pay()!!!

11 (non-virtual) Static and (virtual) Dynamic Binding
The compiler determines which version of the function or class to use during the compilation time for Function overloading Function and class template substantiations Which version is called must be deferred to run time This is dynamic binding

12 ‘Virtual’ is polymorphic
class Employee { virtual double pay(); } class Manager : public Employee { double pay(); void meetings();??? Employee* ep; ep = new Employee; ep = new Manager; ep->pay(); // always the right one, // either Employee::pay(), or Manager::pay()!!!

13 Example

14 Invoking functions with pointers/references
CommissionEmployee1.h, CommissionEmployee1.cpp, BasePlusCommissionEmployee1.h, BasePlusCommissionEmployee1.cpp, test1a.cpp Cannot aim derived-class pointer to a base-class object Aim base-class pointer at base-class object Invoke base-class functionality Aim derived-class pointer at derived-class object Invoke derived-class functionality Aim base-class pointer at derived-class object Because derived-class object is an (inherited) object of base class Can only invoke base-class functionalities Invoked functionality depends on the pointer/reference type used to invoke the function (which is base or derived object). Therefore, if it is base pointer, even if it points to a derived-class object, it invokes the functionality of base class

15 CommissionEmployee1.h class CommissionEmployee { public: CommissionEmployee( const string &, const string &, const string &, double = 0.0, double = 0.0 ); void setFirstName( const string & ); // set first name string getFirstName() const; // return first name ... double earnings() const; // calculate earnings void print() const; // print CommissionEmployee object Function earnings and print will be redefined in derived classes to calculate the employee’s earnings Function print will be redefined in derived class to print the employee’s information

16 BasePlusCommissionEmployee1.h
class BasePlusCommissionEmployee : public CommissionEmployee { public: BasePlusCommissionEmployee( const string &, const string &, const string &, double = 0.0, double = 0.0, double = 0.0 ); void setBaseSalary( double ); // set base salary double getBaseSalary() const; // return base salary double earnings() const; // calculate earnings void print() const; // print BasePlusCommissionEmployee object private: double baseSalary; // base salary }; // end class BasePlusCommissionEmployee Redefine functions earnings and print

17 Test1a.cpp sample output (1/2)
Print base-class and derived-class objects: commission employee: Sue Jones social security number: gross sales: commission rate: 0.06 base-salaried commission employee: Bob Lewis social security number: gross sales: commission rate: 0.04 base salary: Calling print with base-class pointer to base-class object invokes base-class print function:

18 Test1a.cpp sample output (2/2)
Calling print with derived-class pointer to derived-class object invokes derived-class print function: base-salaried commission employee: Bob Lewis social security number: gross sales: commission rate: 0.04 base salary: Calling print with base-class pointer to derived-class object invokes base-class print function on that derived-class object: commission employee: Bob Lewis

19 Aim a derived-class pointer at a base-class object is an error
The pointer must be a base-class pointer, pointing to a derived-class object All the base class functions of the derived object can be called. This is not a problem because derived class inherits all the functions from the base class. Because it is a base class pointer, cannot access the members of derived-class even if the base-class pointer is pointing to the derived-class object Aim a derived-class pointer at a base-class object is an error C++ compiler generates error CommissionEmployee (base-class object) is not a BasePlusCommissionEmployee (derived-class object) This is because A derived-class pointer is supposed to be able to access all the derived-class member functions that it points to If the pointer is pointing to a base class, some of these derived-class functions may not even be available at the base class

20 Cannot assign base-class object to derived-class pointer
Test1b.cpp Cannot assign base-class object to derived-class pointer CommissionEmployee commissionEmployee( "Sue", "Jones", " ", 10000, .06 ); BasePlusCommissionEmployee *basePlusCommissionEmployeePtr = 0; // aim derived-class pointer at base-class object // Error: a CommissionEmployee is not a BasePlusCommissionEmployee basePlusCommissionEmployeePtr = &commissionEmployee;

21 tester1c: Aiming base-class pointer at derived-class object
Calling functions that exist in base class causes base-class functionality to be invoked Calling functions that do not exist in base class (may exist in derived class) will result in error Derived-class members cannot be accessed from base-class pointers // aim base-class pointer at derived-class object commissionEmployeePtr = &basePlusCommissionEmployee; // invoke base-class member functions on derived-class // object through base-class pointer (allowed) string firstName = commissionEmployeePtr->getFirstName();

22 CommissionEmployee2.h class CommissionEmployee { public: CommissionEmployee( const string &, const string &, const string &, double = 0.0, double = 0.0 ); void setFirstName( const string & ); // set first name string getFirstName() const; // return first name ... virtual double earnings() const; // calculate earnings virtual void print() const; // print CommissionEmployee object Declaring earnings and print as virtual allows them to be overridden Overridden means superceding the base class codes Not redefined, meaning that the original function of the base class still exists

23 BasePlusCommissionEmployee2.h
Functions earnings and print are already virtual – good practice to declare virtual even with overriding function (though optional) class BasePlusCommissionEmployee : public CommissionEmployee { public: BasePlusCommissionEmployee( const string &, const string &, const string &, double = 0.0, double = 0.0, double = 0.0 ); void setBaseSalary( double ); // set base salary double getBaseSalary() const; // return base salary virtual double earnings() const; // calculate earnings virtual void print() const; // print private: double baseSalary; // base salary }; // end class BasePlusCommissionEmployee

24 tester2.cpp (1/3) Aiming base-class pointer at base-class object and invoking base-class functionality // output objects using static binding cout << "Invoking print function on base-class and derived-class " << "\nobjects with static binding\n\n"; commissionEmployee.print(); // static binding basePlusCommissionEmployee.print(); // static binding // output objects using dynamic binding cout << "\n\n\nInvoking print function on base-class and “ << "derived-class \nobjects with dynamic binding"; // aim base-class pointer at base-class object and print commissionEmployeePtr = &commissionEmployee; cout << "\n\nCalling virtual function print with base-class pointer" << "\nto base-class object invokes base-class " << "print function:\n\n"; commissionEmployeePtr->print(); // invokes base-class print

25 tester2.cpp (2/3) Aiming derived-class pointer at derived-class object and invoking derived-class functionality // aim derived-class pointer at derived-class object and print basePlusCommissionEmployeePtr = &basePlusCommissionEmployee; cout << "\n\nCalling virtual function print with derived-class “ << "pointer\nto derived-class object invokes derived-class “ << "print function:\n\n"; basePlusCommissionEmployeePtr->print();

26 tester2.cpp (3/3) Aiming base-class pointer at derived-class object and invoking derived-class functionality via polymorphism and virtual functions // aim base-class pointer at derived-class object and print commissionEmployeePtr = &basePlusCommissionEmployee; cout << "\n\nCalling virtual function print with base-class pointer" << "\nto derived-class object invokes derived- class " << "print function:\n\n"; // polymorphism; invokes BasePlusCommissionEmployee's print; // base-class pointer to derived-class object commissionEmployeePtr->print();

27 tester2.cpp Sample Output (1/3)
Invoking print function on base-class and derived-class objects with static binding commission employee: Sue Jones social security number: gross sales: commission rate: 0.06 base-salaried commission employee: Bob Lewis social security number: gross sales: commission rate: 0.04 base salary: objects with dynamic binding

28 tester2.cpp Sample Output (2/3)
Calling virtual function print with base-class pointer to base-class object invokes base-class print function: commission employee: Sue Jones social security number: gross sales: commission rate: 0.06 Calling virtual function print with derived-class pointer to derived-class object invokes derived-class print function: base-salaried commission employee: Bob Lewis social security number: gross sales: commission rate: 0.04 base salary:

29 tester2.cpp Sample Output (3/3)
Calling virtual function print with base-class pointer to derived-class object invokes derived-class print function: base-salaried commission employee: Bob Lewis social security number: gross sales: commission rate: 0.04 base salary:

30 Pure Virtual Functions and Abstract Classes

31 Abstract Classes class Shape { void rotate(int); void draw(); } class Circle : public Shape { Shape s; ??? class Employee { string firstName; string familyName; } class Manager : public Employee { list<Employee*> group; ‘Employee’: both base class and derived class are useful objects ‘Shape’ represents an abstract concept for which objects cannot exist. ‘shape’ makes sense only as the base of some class derived from it.

32 Virtual Functions class Shape { virtual void rotate(int); virtual void draw(); } class Circle : public Shape { public: void rotate(int); void draw(); private: int radius; A ‘virtual’ function in a base class will be redefined in each derived class

33 ‘Pure’ Virtual Functions
class Shape { virtual void rotate(int) = 0; virtual void draw() = 0; } class Circle : public Shape { public: void rotate(int); void draw(); private: int radius; A ‘virtual’ function is ‘made pure’ by the initializer = 0.

34 Abstract Class A class with one or more pure virtual functions is an ‘abstract’ class, And no objects of that abstract class can be created! An abstract class is only used as an interface and as a base for other classes. class Shape { virtual void rotate(int) = 0; virtual void draw() = 0; } class Circle : public Shape { public: void rotate(int); void draw(); private: int radius; Shape s; // error!!! Circle c;

35 A pure virtual function that is not defined in a derived class remains a pure virtual function, so the derived class is still an abstract class. class Shape { virtual void rotate(int) = 0; virtual void draw() = 0; } class Polygon : public Shape { public: bool is_closed() { return true; } Polygon p; // error!!!

36 (non-virtual) Static and (virtual) Dynamic Binding
The compiler determines which version of the function or class to use during the compilation time for Function overloading Function and class template substantiations Which version is called must be deferred to run time This is dynamic binding

37 ‘Virtual’ is polymorphic
class Employee { virtual double pay(); } class Manager : public Employee { double pay(); void meetings();??? Employee* ep; ep = new Employee; ep = new Manager; ep->pay(); // always the right one, // either Employee::pay(), or Manager::pay()!!!

38 Abstract Class A class with one or more pure virtual functions is an ‘abstract’ class, And no objects of that abstract class can be created! An abstract class is only used as an interface and as a base for other classes. class Shape { virtual void rotate(int) = 0; virtual void draw() = 0; } class Circle : public Shape { public: void rotate(int); void draw(); private: int radius; Shape s; // error!!! Circle c;

39 Pure Virtual Functions and Abstract Classes
We can use the abstract base class to declare pointers and references Can point to objects of any concrete class derived from the abstract class Programs typically use such pointers and references to manipulate derived-class objects polymorphically Polymorphism is particularly effective for implementing software systems Reading or writing data from and to different devices of the same base class Example: Iterator class Can traverse all the objects in a container 39

40 derived1 in derived2 In derived3 40 #include <iostream>
using namespace std; class base{ public: virtual void print() = 0; virtual void print2() = 0; }; class derived1: public base{ virtual void print(){ cout << "derived1\n"; } virtual void print2(){} // must have this line, // otherwise compiler complains in main() class derived2: public base{ cout << "in derived2\n"; // do not need to define print2() here as // derived2 is not a concrete class class derived3: public derived2{ virtual void print2(){ cout << "In derived3\n"; int main(){ derived1 d1; // derived2 d2; compiler complains: // the following virtual functions are abstract: // void base::print2() derived3 d3; d1.print(); d3.print(); // can do that! d3.print2(); return 1; } derived1 in derived2 In derived3 40

41 Virtual ? Constructors/Destructors

42 Constructors cannot be virtual Destructors can be virtual
Usually they should be virtual to have ‘polymorphic’ behavior

43 Virtual Destructors Nonvirtual destructors virtual destructors
Destructors that are not declared with keyword virtual If a derived-class object is destroyed explicitly by applying the delete operator to a base-class pointer to the object, the behavior is undefined This is because delete may be applied on a base-class object, instead of the derived class virtual destructors Declared with keyword virtual That means that all derived-class destructors are virtual With that, if a derived-class object is destroyed explicitly by applying the delete operator to a base-class pointer to the object, the appropriate derived-class destructor is then called Appropriate base-class destructor(s) will execute afterwards

44 #include <iostream>
using namespace std; class Base{ public: virtual ~Base() { cout <<"Base Destroyed\n"; } }; class Derived: public Base{ virtual ~Derived() { cout << "Derived Destroyed\n"; } int main(){ Derived d; Base* bptr = new Derived(); delete bptr; // explicit delete  call the destructor immediately bptr = new Derived(); // the object will be deleted by garbage collection // after program exits, and hence no destructor statement return 0; } Derived Destroyed (for “delete bptr”) Base Destroyed Derived Destroyed (for object d going out of scope)

45 Polymorphism: Part II

46 What is the Output? #include <iostream> int main(){
A* z = new A; z->f(); delete z; A* x = new B; x->f(); delete x; A* y = new C; y->f(); delete y; return 0; } #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { public: A() {} void f() {cout << "A::f()" << endl;} }; class B: public A { B() {} void f() {cout << "B::f()" << endl;} class C: public B { C() {} void f() {cout << "C::f()" << endl;} 46

47 Output: A::f() 47

48 Change A* to B* or C*? 48

49 If we add ‘virtual’ to class A?
public: A() {} virtual void f() {cout << "A::f()" << endl;} }; 49

50 Output: A::f() B::f() C::f() 50

51 The three corner-stones of OOP
Encapsulation (classes, public, private) Inheritance (derived) Polymorphism (virtual)

52 Encapsulation (classes, public, private)
Languages such as Pascal and C facilitated development of structured programs Data and basic operations for processing the data are encapsulated into a single “entity”. This is made possible with introduction of Modules Libraries Packages Implementation details are separated from class definition Client code must use only public operations Implementation may be changed without affecting client code From concrete to abstract data type 52

53 Encapsulation with Inheritance
Some basic class features may be re-used in other classes A class can be derived from another class New class inherits data and function members from the original class Reusable for the new class Example: Consider to add, for example max() and min(), functions to a stack Could simply add these functions to the class But … change already proven code It is better to build “on top” of the proven stack by adding the functions The new class is inherited or derived from the stack class Obviously, this concept is different from creating a new class with a stack as its member object 53

54 Inheritance Features and Advantages
Software reusability Often used in computer game design Create new class from existing class Seamlessly absorb existing class’s data and behaviors Enhance with new capabilities Derived class inherits from base class More specialized group of objects (e.g., a character moves, but a soldier and a giant move differently) Behaviors inherited from base class Can customize Additional behaviors 54

55 Virtual, Dynamic Binding
The compiler determines which version of the function or class to use during the compilation time for Function overloading Function and class template substantiations Which version is called must be deferred to run time This is dynamic binding

56 Case Study: A Payroll System
Abstract class Employee represents the general concept of an employee Declares the “interface” to the hierarchy Each employee has a first name, last name and social security number Enhanced CommissionEmployee-BasePlusCommissionEmployee hierarchy using an abstract base class Earnings calculated differently and objects printed differently for each derived class

57 Polymorphic Interface

58 Creating abstract class: Employee.h
public: virtual double earnings() const = 0; // pure virtual virtual void print() const; // virtual private: string firstName; string lastName; string socialSecurityNumber; }; Function earnings is pure virtual, not enough data to provide a default, concrete implementation Function print is virtual, default implementation provided but derived-classes may override

59 Creating concrete derived class: SalariedEmployee.h
class SalariedEmployee : public Employee { public: SalariedEmployee( const string &, const string &, const string &, double = 0.0 ); void setWeeklySalary( double ); // set weekly salary double getWeeklySalary() const; // return weekly salary // keyword virtual signals intent to override virtual double earnings() const; // calculate earnings virtual void print() const; // print SalariedEmployee object private: double weeklySalary; // salary per week }; SalariedEmployee inherits from Employee, must override earnings to be concrete Functions earnings and print in the base class will be overridden (earnings defined for the first time)

60 SalariedEmployee.cpp // calculate earnings;
// override pure virtual function earnings in Employee double SalariedEmployee::earnings() const { return getWeeklySalary(); } // end function earnings // print SalariedEmployee's information void SalariedEmployee::print() const cout << "salaried employee: "; Employee::print(); // reuse abstract base-class print function cout << "\nweekly salary: " << getWeeklySalary(); } // end function print

61 Creating concrete derived class: HourlyEmployee.h
class HourlyEmployee : public Employee { public: HourlyEmployee( const string &, const string &, const string &, double = 0.0, double = 0.0 ); void setWage( double ); // set hourly wage double getWage() const; // return hourly wage void setHours( double ); // set hours worked double getHours() const; // return hours worked // keyword virtual signals intent to override virtual double earnings() const; // calculate earnings virtual void print() const; // print HourlyEmployee object private: double wage; // wage per hour double hours; // hours worked for week }; // end class HourlyEmployee HourlyEmployee inherits from Employee Includes a wage and hours worked Overridden earnings function incorporates the employee’s wages multiplied by hours (taking time-and-a-half pay into account) Overridden print function incorporates wage and hours worked Is a concrete class (implements all pure virtual functions in abstract base class) 61

62 Creating Concrete Derived Class
class CommissionEmployee : public Employee { public: CommissionEmployee( const string &, const string &, const string &, double = 0.0, double = 0.0 ); void setCommissionRate( double ); // set commission rate double getCommissionRate() const; // return commission rate void setGrossSales( double ); // set gross sales amount double getGrossSales() const; // return gross sales amount // keyword virtual signals intent to override virtual double earnings() const; // calculate earnings virtual void print() const; // print CommissionEmployee object private: double grossSales; // gross weekly sales double commissionRate; // commission percentage }; CommissionEmployee inherits from Employee Includes gross sales and commission rate Overridden earnings function incorporates gross sales and commission rate Overridden print function incorporates gross sales and commission rate Concrete class (implements all pure virtual functions in abstract base class) ComissionEmployee.h, CommissionEmployee.cpp

63 Creating indirect concrete derived class: BasePlusComissionEmployee.h
class BasePlusCommissionEmployee : public CommissionEmployee { public: BasePlusCommissionEmployee( const string &, const string &, const string &, double = 0.0, double = 0.0, double = 0.0 ); void setBaseSalary( double ); // set base salary double getBaseSalary() const; // return base salary // keyword virtual signals intent to override virtual double earnings() const; // calculate earnings virtual void print() const; // print BasePlusCommissionEmployee object private: double baseSalary; // base salary per week }; // end class BasePlusCommissionEmployee BasePlusCommissionEmployee inherits from CommissionEmployee Includes base salary Overridden earnings function that incorporates base salary Overridden print function that incorporates base salary Concrete class Not necessary to override earnings to make it concrete, can inherit implementation from CommissionEmployee Although we do override earnings to incorporate base salary

64 BasePlusComissionEmployee.cpp Overridden earnings and print functions incorporate base salary // calculate earnings; // override pure virtual function earnings in Employee double BasePlusCommissionEmployee::earnings() const { return getBaseSalary() + CommissionEmployee::earnings(); } // end function earnings // print BasePlusCommissionEmployee's information void BasePlusCommissionEmployee::print() const cout << "base-salaried "; CommissionEmployee::print(); // code reuse cout << "; base salary: " << getBaseSalary(); } // end function print

65 Demonstrating Polymorphic Processing
Create objects of types SalariedEmployee, HourlyEmployee, CommissionEmployee and BasePlusCommissionEmployee Demonstrate manipulating objects with static binding Using name handles rather than pointers or references Compiler can identify each object’s type to determine which print and earnings functions to call Demonstrate manipulating objects polymorphically Uses a vector of Employee pointers Invoke virtual functions using pointers and references

66 payroll.cpp (1/3) vector of Employee pointers, will be used to demonstrate dynamic binding // create vector of four base-class pointers vector < Employee * > employees( 4 ); // initialize vector with Employees employees[ 0 ] = &salariedEmployee; employees[ 1 ] = &hourlyEmployee; employees[ 2 ] = &commissionEmployee; employees[ 3 ] = &basePlusCommissionEmployee; cout << "Employees processed polymorphically via dynamic binding:\n\n";

67 payroll.cpp (2/3) Demonstrate dynamic binding using pointers, then references cout << "Virtual function calls made off base-class pointers:\n\n"; for ( size_t i = 0; i < employees.size(); i++ ) employees[i]->print(); cout << "\nearned $" << employees[i]->earnings() << "\n\n"; // virtualViaPointer( employees[ i ] ); references:\n\n"; (*employees[i]).print(); cout << "\nearned $" << (*employees[i]).earnings() << "\n\n"; // virtualViaReference( *employees[ i ] ); // note dereferencing

68 payroll.cpp (3/3) Using references and pointers cause virtual functions to be invoked polymorphically // call Employee virtual functions print and earnings off a // base-class pointer using dynamic binding void virtualViaPointer( const Employee * const baseClassPtr ) { baseClassPtr->print(); cout << "\nearned $" << baseClassPtr->earnings() << "\n\n"; } // end function virtualViaPointer // base-class reference using dynamic binding void virtualViaReference( const Employee &baseClassRef ) baseClassRef.print(); cout << "\nearned $" << baseClassRef.earnings() << "\n\n"; } // end function virtualViaReference

69 payroll.cpp Sample Output (1/3)
Employees processed individually using static binding: salaried employee: John Smith social security number: weekly salary: earned $800.00 hourly employee: Karen Price social security number: hourly wage: 16.75; hours worked: 40.00 earned $670.00 commission employee: Sue Jones social security number: gross sales: ; commission rate: 0.06 earned $600.00 base-salaried commission employee: Bob Lewis social security number: gross sales: ; commission rate: 0.04; base salary: earned $500.00

70 payroll.cpp Sample Output (2/3)
Employees processed polymorphically using dynamic binding: Virtual function calls made off base-class pointers: salaried employee: John Smith social security number: weekly salary: earned $800.00 hourly employee: Karen Price social security number: hourly wage: 16.75; hours worked: 40.00 earned $670.00 commission employee: Sue Jones social security number: gross sales: ; commission rate: 0.06 earned $600.00 base-salaried commission employee: Bob Lewis social security number: gross sales: ; commission rate: 0.04; base salary: earned $500.00

71 payroll.cpp Sample Output (3/3)
Virtual function calls made off base-class references: salaried employee: John Smith social security number: weekly salary: earned $800.00 hourly employee: Karen Price social security number: hourly wage: 16.75; hours worked: 40.00 earned $670.00 commission employee: Sue Jones social security number: gross sales: ; commission rate: 0.06 earned $600.00 base-salaried commission employee: Bob Lewis social security number: gross sales: ; commission rate: 0.04; base salary: earned $500.00

72 Here is what we want … i = 0 while (not end) {
if *employee[i] is A, print-A, else if B, print-B, else if C, print-C, i++; } Employee* employee[1000]; i = 0 while (not end) { *employee[i].print; i++; }

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