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World Folktales Mrs. Di Todd 5th Grade WOES.

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Presentation on theme: "World Folktales Mrs. Di Todd 5th Grade WOES."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Folktales Mrs. Di Todd 5th Grade WOES

2 Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures
World Folktales Project Communication Working in pairs to Interpret a world folktale by retelling your folktale in the form of a newscast Technology Develop a News Cast report about your world folk tale Cultures Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures Communities Your news cast will be video and place on our wiki page so you can share your report will others Connections Will be made from another country to the United States through research.

3 21st Century Skills thinking critically
solving complex, multidisciplinary, open-ended problems creativity entrepreneurial thinking innovative use of knowledge, information & opportunities

4 WHY use folktales? “…the great power of the story is that it engages us affectively as well as requiring our cognitive attention; we learn the content of the story while we are emotionally engaged by its characters or events.” - Kieran Egan, Teaching as Storytelling

5 Languages and Children,
WHY use folktales? “The use of literature designed for children in the target culture allows learners of the target language to share cultural experiences and attitudes in a very direct way…” Curtain and Pesola Languages and Children, Making the Match

6 WHY use folktales? Through the characters on the page, children are able to live out their worst fears and their fondest wishes. Valuable life lessons are conveyed through the stories which children readily absorb in a non threatening and even enjoyable context. -Bruno Bettelheim, The Uses of Enchantment

7 WHY use folktales? Children do not learn about complex grammatical points by either making errors and then being corrected or through explicit instruction in grammar. The knowledge of specific grammatical rules " part of a child's biological endow ment, part of the structure of the language faculty.“ “…about 99 percent of teaching is making students feel interested in the material.” -Noam Chomsky, Language and Problems of Knowing

8 With folktales you… will won't
differentiate activities to meet the needs of diverse learners Require all students to interact in the same way with the material teach grammar and vocabulary in context teach grammar and vocabulary in isolated lists incorporate language, culture and content teach language separate from its cultural context communicate with the classroom teacher to reinforce curriculum organize lessons on topics that are disconnected from the students

9 World Folktale Project
Table partners will be your partner for this project. Working together you will retell your chosen folktale. Create a 3-5 minute “news” cast script to retell the folktale. Together research your country to add information to your news cast. Develop a powerpoint to enhance your retelling Construct a quiz for your audience.

10 News Cast Develop, write and present the retelling of your folktale.
Script needs to include the 5 W’s writing method. Script must include who is going to say what and when they are to be said. News cast should be 3 to 5minutes long. Practice, Practice, and practice some more. Work on voice volume and facial expressions. Be PROUD of your work

11 Research of country You are your audience’s eyes to your country. Please introduce your country to us. You will need to find a map to show it’s location. Introduce us to the culture of your country.

12 What to research… content culture Interesting facts Map and pictures
Powerpoint Interesting facts Map and pictures

13 Illustrations = kid art

14 Illustrations = photo/drawing

15 Illustrations = ClipArt

16 Special vocabulary Specialized vocabulary: “el totumo”

17 PRE-READING Story ordering using illustrations

18 PRE-READING realia Story background tradition author geography:
floor maps!

19 regions, biomes, environment, weather
PRE-READING regions, biomes, environment, weather

20 Quiz Requirements Vocabulary Check for understanding Thought Question
Factual questions Vocabulary Check for understanding Opinion questions Thought Question

21 (Barton and Booth, Stories in the Classroom, 1990) “Stories allow students to anticipate and predict thus involving them in activity.”

22 POST-READING Comprehension check Factual questions
What did the rabbit want? How did he get it? Opinion questions Do you think that the rabbit was right do trick the animals? Related personal questions Have you ever tricked anyone? Have you ever wanted to change something about yourself?

23 Skits * TPRS * Videos * Puppet Shows
READING: Skits * TPRS * Videos * Puppet Shows

24 Stories are everywhere…
Go out and find them!

25 Questions? Comments? Ideas?

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