Yasuhiro Yoshikawa Senior Investigator IV, JFTC

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Presentation on theme: "Yasuhiro Yoshikawa Senior Investigator IV, JFTC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Japan’s Experience on Competition Law Enforcement against Exclusive Dealings
Yasuhiro Yoshikawa Senior Investigator IV, JFTC ICN Unilateral Conduct Workshop November 1 - 2,

2 DeNA Case (Jun 2011 JFTC Order)

3 Players in the Japanese Mobile Social Gaming Market
DeNA Co., Ltd. GREE, Inc. Mobage GREE

4 What is Mobile Social Game?
SNS Network Constitution User Company Service Operator Game advertisement

5 Newly Added Platform Business
Social Game Developers Specified Social Game Developers DeNA GREE Mobage GREE Registered users of Mobage Registered users of GREE

6 Newly Added Platform Business
Specified Social Game Developers Interference DeNA GREE Mobage GREE Disconnecting website links Registered users of Mobage Registered users of GREE

7 “Interference with Competitor’s Transactions”
The JFTC found the link-disconnecting action by DeNA interfered with the trade between the specified social game developers and GREE. The action falls within the concept of “interference with competitor’s transactions”. ----one type of unfair trade practice regulated by the Antimonopoly Act, Article (designated in paragraph 14 of the “FTC Public Notice” which is called “Designation of Unfair Trade Practices”)

8 Analysis on DeNA case Means to Create Exclusivity
- “De Fact Exclusivity” Evaluating Competitive Effects - Market Coverage - Evidence of “Foreclosure Effect”

9 Thank you very much for your attention! Japan Fair Trade Commission

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