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Usability of Photoshop

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Presentation on theme: "Usability of Photoshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Usability of Photoshop
Caroline Dres & Bri Brown Richardson

2 What is Photoshop? Graphics editor - create and enhance photos, images, designs and 3D objects A member of the Adobe creative suite Originally created for photographers Current intended audience: beginners AND professionals Used to design anything! Banners, logos, icons, photo editing, web design, etc. New Features: Symmetric Mode Color Wheel Multiple Undo In-app learning

3 Learnability Complex → Steep learning curve
70 tools represented as tiny icons Difficult to distinguish Hard to find Luckily, hovering over tools displays name and use of tool Layers - new concept to most users Hundreds of online tutorials - good or bad?

4 Efficiency Familiarity with Photoshop → Efficiency
Shortcut keys - faster way to access and use tools Customizable: Enlarge frequently used tools and features Hide unused tools Hide and expand editing menus Save color swatches, textures, fonts, etc.

5 Memorability Shortcut keys → no need to remember how to find a feature in dropdown menus Customizable features Icon recognition Too many tools for everything to be displayed Too many capabilities for users to memorize Accessible tutorials Incredibly powerful tool

6 Errors There is a tutorial for everything Actions can always be undone
Retrace steps with undo button or history panel History panel → easy experimentation

7 Accessibility Fine motor control disability - many small buttons
Visual Impairment - Dark low contrast environment Expensive monthly subscription

8 Water stroke effects & Reflections

9 Photo Restoration

10 Color and Motion Effects

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