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Presentation on theme: "Micro-worlds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Micro-worlds

2 The center of a cell is called the…
Middle Cell wall Nucleus Cytoplasm

3 The center of a cell is the

4 What is NOT an animal cell?
Volvox Vinegar eels Blepharism Onions

5 Onions are not animal cells.

6 Who created the name “cell”?
Robert Hooke Anton Leuwenhoek Robert Peary

7 Robert Hooke He created the word “cell” for the rows of little empty boxes he saw through the microscope.

8 Plant cells we saw in class were from an…
Apple skin Fish scale Celery stalk onion

9 Onion is a plant cell.

10 Volvox cells use two flagella
True or False? Volvox cells use two flagella to propel the colony through water?

11 True

12 Binary fission occurs when a cell separates into 2 parts.
True or False? Binary fission occurs when a cell separates into 2 parts.

13 True

14 True or False Pasteurization is when you make something cold?

15 False Pasteurization is heating food up high enough to kill certain bacteria.

16 True or False A clear sphere is able to magnify.

17 True t t

18 A red marble is able to magnify?
True or False A red marble is able to magnify?

19 False t

20 True or False An empty jar is able to magnify.

21 An empty jar does not magnify.
False An empty jar does not magnify. t

22 A clear cube is able to magnify.
True or False A clear cube is able to magnify.

23 An clear cube does not magnify.
False An clear cube does not magnify.

24 A solid clear cylinder is able to magnify on its side.
True or False A solid clear cylinder is able to magnify on its side.

25 True t t

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