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PHL424: Nuclear surface vibration

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1 PHL424: Nuclear surface vibration

2 2+ Systematics 2+ 0+ Excitation energy (keV)
Ground state Configuration. Spin/parity Iπ=0+ ; Ex = 0 keV

3 4+/2+ Energy ratio: mirrors 2+ systematics
Excitation energy (keV) 4+ 2+ 0+ Ground state Configuration. Spin/parity Iπ=0+ ; Ex = 0 keV

4 Evolution of nuclear structure as a function of nucleon number

5 Collective vibration In general, λ=0 λ=1 λ=2 λ=3 OK...
forbidden – density change! λ=0 forbidden – CM moves! λ=1 time OK... λ=2 λ=3

6 Collective vibration In general, λ=2: quadrupole vibration
harmonic vibration λ=2: quadrupole vibration λ=3: octupole vibration

7 Collective vibration classical Hamiltonian constants:
Binding energy of a nucleus: aV = MeV aS = MeV aC = MeV aA = MeV aP = MeV

8 Collective vibration classical Hamiltonian quantization
energy eigenvalue wave function Hermite polynomials

9 Second quantization Hamilton operator rule for boson operators:
𝛼 𝜆𝜇 = ℏ 2 𝐵 𝜆 𝜔 𝜆 ∙ 𝛽 𝜆𝜇 + + − 𝜇 𝛽 𝜆𝜇 𝜋 𝛼 𝜆𝜇 = ℏ 𝐵 𝜆 𝜔 𝜆 2 ∙ − 𝜇 𝛽 𝜆−𝜇 + − 𝛽 𝜆𝜇 rule for boson operators:

10 Second quantization Hamilton operator rule for boson operators:
creation & annihilation operators increase or decrease the number of phonons in a wave function ground state (vacuum) 1-phonon state 2-phonon state

11 Second quantization Hamilton operator rule for boson operators:
1-phonon energy:

12 Second quantization Hamilton operator rule for boson operators:
2-phonon energy: etc. 2 𝐻 2 ~2∙ℏ∙𝜔∙ normalization of wave function !!!

13 Second quantization Hamilton operator rule for boson operators:
2-phonon state: normalization (approximation):

14 Second quantization Hamilton operator rule for boson operators:
2-phonon state: normalization:

15 Collective vibration 𝐸 𝑁 =ℏ𝜔∙ 𝑁+ 5 2 𝐸 3 =ℏ𝜔∙ 3+ 5 2 𝐸 2 =ℏ𝜔∙ 2+ 5 2
𝐸 1 =ℏ𝜔∙ 𝐸 0 =ℏ𝜔∙ 5 2

16 Example of vibrational excitations
(E-E ground state) n=1,  = 2, 2+ phonon n = 2,  = 2, J = 0+, 2+, 4+ ħ2 2ħ2 3ħ2 3- state? multiple  = 2 phonon states, ideally degenerate

17 Second quantization Hamilton operator rule for boson operators:
2-phonon state: reduced transition probability:

18 Reduced transition probabilities
2-phonon state 3-phonon state

19 Reduced transition probabilities
1-phonon state 2-phonon state 3-phonon state

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