Integrated Electrical Systems Engineering in Vehicles MSc & Electric Vehicles Research Centre Valahia University of Targoviste Otilia NEDELCU, Ioan Corneliu.

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1 Integrated Electrical Systems Engineering in Vehicles MSc & Electric Vehicles Research Centre Valahia University of Targoviste Otilia NEDELCU, Ioan Corneliu SALISTEANU, Gabriela TEODORESCU

2 The Master of Science Program Integrated Electrical Systems Engineering in Vehicles

3 What is this Master Program?
Integrated Electrical Systems Engineering in Vehicles is a Master of Science program that involves the multidisciplinary integration of Vehicle Systems Engineering derived from energy, electric, electronics, communication and mechanical systems. Students will gain skills across vehicles-specific electrical systems engineering with practical applications in electric, mechanics, electronics, communication, materials, advanced control and systems modelling domains. How is the master program organized: Duration Two years full-time Study Language English Study Type Full-time

4 Why this course? We have strategic partners of the electric vehicles master involved within the automotive industry and key players in the forefront of automotive research and development as Renault Technologie Roumanie and IBM Romania - Academic Initiative. Targoviste Municipality City Hall is also involved as the main partner of The Electric Vehicles Research Centre in its sustainable field projects and activities. This high level of engagement with industry through master courses, scientific events, consultancy and research makes our graduates some of the most desirable in Romania for companies to recruit.

5 Who is it for? The Master of Science in Integrated Electrical Systems Engineering in Vehicles is a recently established course, developed to respond to the Renault Technologie Roumanie initiative which pointed out a clear demand in the automotive sector for graduates with advanced skills and education in the specialized field. The significant increase in the application of systems engineering has created an industry need for this Master's degree. This course is designed for students with a solid Engineering, Mathematics or Applied Science who want to achieve a skill set which combines energy, electric, electronics, communication, mechanics, digital control systems and physical system modelling, all trough the perspective of modern systems engineering.

6 I II Course information
The Integrated Electrical Systems Engineering in Vehicles Master of Science Program is structured in 4 Semesters and divided in two parts. First part is made up of eighteen taught compulsory modules, which are delivered in 4 semesters with the following structure: 1st Semester from October to January (14 weeks), 2nd Semester from February to June (14 weeks), 3rd Semester from October to January (14 weeks) and the 4th from February to April (8 weeks). The second part it is within the 4th Semester and consists on the practice activities (2 weeks) and the period for Dissertation preparation (4 weeks). The practice activities are held both on The Electric Vehicles Research Centre and in the Technical Centre of Renault situated at 34 Km (21 miles) from Targoviste. Course information I II

7 Course Modules I II III IV Vehicles principles and architecture
Numerical methods for PDE and applications Development and management of object oriented software projects Automotive Electronics Applied Research 1 – Automotive operating systems Applied Research 2- Advanced composite materials for automotive industry Electric propulsion systems for EV Methods and devices for advanced measurement systems Communications and interconnecting devices Integrated data acquisition systems Numerical simulation of integrated embedded systems Heating / cooling of vehicles components Power electronics. Structure and control methods Integration of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids Applied Research 3 - Virtual Testing and Validation Vehicles environmental impact Electric vehicles capabilities Systems engineering management Practice for dissertation Dissertation thesis writing I II III IV

8 Who organizes this course?
"Valahia" University of Targoviste through The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology organize the Master of Science in Integrated Electrical Systems Engineering in Vehicles. Who organizes this course?

9 What is the role of eMotion in this Master Program?
The Electric Vehicles Research Centre (eMotion) represents the main research support for this Master of Science Program in our University. The Electric Vehicles Research Centre is part of The Scientific and Technological Multidisciplinary Research Institute. 

10 Who are our partners? The Integrated Electrical Systems Engineering in Vehicles Master of Science Program and The Electric Vehicles Research Centre benefit from great support from public institutions as well as from key industry research and development players. Main partners of this both structures are from:

11 What is the partner’s role?
Each of the partners has its role in our activity: Renault provides support in all activity the master study program (financial support for students, the presentation on week about different parts from construction of electric vehicle in Renault - battery, electric motors, inverter-, the practice stages in Renault for students, equipping an electric- thermic-fluid laboratory for testing) IBM Romania – Academic Initiative provides software solutions and artificial intelligence support for the prototypes Sistem Euroteh provides support for the design, execution and test of electric motors Claunic auto offers different mechanic parts and mechanic tests (braking, wheels balancing)


13 Aim. Mission. Objectives.
The aim of the Centre is to promote and enhance the scientific research in the field of electric vehicles. The Mission of the Centre is to contribute to the development of research and innovation in the field of electric vehicles and the surveying and investigating energy, electrical, thermal, hydraulic, expert/AI, electronics, and communications systems of electric vehicles, through programs of research, consulting and expertise, combining in a complex formation engineers’ development concerns. The main objective of the Centre is to study, design and assembly of prototype electric vehicles as well as the conversion of vehicles propelled by classic motors (internal combustion) and their modification to propulsion by electric motors.

14 The Electric Vehicles Research Centre (eMotion) is an essential component of a joint initiatives at the level of Valahia University of Targoviste and Targoviste Municipality City Hall regarding the strategic area of sustainable development with real relevance and topicality subdomains, such as those of electric vehicles and distributed energy production. In this context, eMotion Centre was established, in partnership and with the financial support on the part of Targoviste Municipality. Valahia University of Targoviste makes a combined effort in this area of strategic interest, by setting up in parallel to the Electric Vehicles Research Centre (eMotion) a new master program with the primary objective in the vehicle integrated electrical systems engineering. Where and how?

15 What are the research directions we are concerned?
Advanced Electric Systems in Electric Vehicles Advanced Energy Systems in Electric Vehicles Electronics and Communications Systems in EVs Mechanical and Hydraulic Systems in Electric Vehicles Thermal Systems in Electric Vehicles Expert/Artificial Intelligence Systems in Electric Vehicles Advanced Materials for Electric Vehicles Prototyping and Evaluation of Electric Vehicles Support Domains for Electric Vehicles

16 Who is part of the eMotion Project?
The Electric Vehicles Research Centre (eMotion) started two years ago. It has 12 permanent members and 5 non-permanent members. In centre, students from Master Study Program in Electric Vehicle Domain work permanently for each relevant subject to their study program.

17 What are the under-developing projects?
In this moment at research centre, more projects there are in working: AutoLAB project “Charger/discharger for Li-ion batteries” – design, execution and testing “Wind tunnel for vehicles” – design, execution and testing “Inverter” – design, execution and testing All our projects are developed by teams of research centre members and students at the master's program

18 The Electric Vehicles Research Center launched, starting with October 1st, 2018, the AutoLAB project, dedicated to students in the Integrated Electrical Systems Engineering in Vehicles MSc program, as well as to bachelor's degree students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology.

19 The challenge is to build two electric karts on professional Lenzokart chassis.
Main activities within the project:    Design and construction of vehicles battery packs;    Design and realization of vehicles charges;    Design and construction of electric traction motors;    Design and construction of power converters for actuation;    Design and development of vehicles cooling / heating systems;    Design and construction of vehicles Controllers;    Design and development of communication and data systems;    Design and development of various electronic and automation modules.

20 What is eMotion and what is willing to be
What is NOT eMotion and is NOT willing to be A partner in research for other centers with similar profile or directions; The main support in the University for undergraduate programs with concerns in the field; A Centre for research, testing and prototyping of electric vehicles or parts thereof; An important player in the local and national level with regard to sustainable development; A Research Centre opened to anyone who can bring contribution in this field. A competitor of other related centers or with similar directions; A manufacturer of electric vehicles or parts thereof; A competitor of the industrial operators, manufacturers of electric vehicles; An isolated research facility.

21 https://emotion. valahia

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