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Understanding DB2 and Your Role

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding DB2 and Your Role"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding DB2 and Your Role
DB2 Fundamentals Overview of DB2 1 hour DB2 Internals 1 hour PowerPoint Our DB2 Data Overview of SQL 1 hour SQL and SPUFI Understanding DB2 and Your Role Graphic Insert your organization’s name in the slide above along with the date and time that the Webinar will begin. Pre-Session Activity Prior to the session, obtain some information about the attendees: who they are, where they work, what their background is (e.g. application programmer, operator, new graduate). This gives you background information on your group so you can better tailor some of the presentation specifically to their needs. At the end of the previous PowerPoint presentation, attendees were asked to forward you any questions they may have relating to the content in this pathway. This should also be included in this session. As attendees come online, make the time to briefly chat with them and ask questions such as: how they have found the course so far, what their involvement with the system currently is, and what it may be in the future. This is information you will be able to share with the group when you are ready to start (see next slide). Presenter/Producer: Approximately 20 minutes before the Webinar, make sure the welcome slide above is displayed so that when participants log in they know immediately they are in the right place at the right time. You may also want to have rotating slides that display general information such as how they can ask questions throughout the session, what information will be available to them afterwards (e.g. handouts, recording of the session). Allow a maximum of 3 minutes after the scheduled start time for any late attendees. This provides a general courtesy to those that may have been detained for genuine work related reasons, while not annoying those who have joined promptly and are waiting to begin. Presenter/Moderator: Welcomes those that have joined the Webinar and describes general information about the session such as using the Webinar features as well as session specific details identifying how long the session will be (30-40 minutes, although you may have a more accurate idea once you have given the presentation a “dry run”), pre-requisites for the session (shown on the right of the welcome slide), interaction that will occur throughout the session (several exercises to keep participants busy) and that there is a 5-10 minute Q & A session at the end. 1 hour PowerPoint Our DB2 Systems Company Name Date - Time Webinar Understanding DB2 and Your Role 1 | Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence = Datatrain Course Modules

2 About You Background Numbers Programmers 4 DBA 1 Operators Graphic
Update this screen with information for your group. Get this information from the pre-session notes from the previous page. Audio This is a good opportunity to expand on the private conversations you may have had when welcoming people to the session. For example, you may mention that before the session you had an opportunity to chat with a few of you about your induction training and the work you are currently performing. Also mention that this information is important because there are several topics covered where we discuss how it is relevant to you or the area you work in. These are good icebreaker exercises and usually relaxes the attendees knowing a bit about the other participants. Example: This session is all about you (attendees) and obtaining the knowledge you need to perform your workplace tasks. Just so everyone knows a little about each other I have created a breakdown of the background of those attending, and the area they work in. 2 | Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence

3 Objectives Questions from the Course So Far Who Supports DB2?
Current and Future DB2 Priorities and Directions Audio Introduce students to what will be covered in this Webinar. Example: The Datatrain training modules and internal PowerPoint presentations you have undertaken so far have focused on introducing you to the DB2 systems at our site. So far all the content has been technical. The aim of this session is to introduce you to the teams that support DB2, and what each does. We will also look at current and future DB2 priorities and directions. But first, lets cover some questions and queries about the course so far. 3 | Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence

4 Clarification of Previous Material
General comments received Technical queries on DB2 Audio This is where you cover any questions raised by learners during the course. You can also expand on anything that may need to be cleared up, or any other technical issues. This could be a good place for learners to ask any other questions. Example: I’ve received two questions about the course so far. So let’s look at them: (Question) 4 | Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence

5 Database Administrators
Who Supports DB2? IT Infrastructure Mainframe Support Systems Programming Database Administrators UNIX Support Windows Support Security Help Desk (ABC) Graphic Update this screen with the organization chart of your Information Technology groups, and highlight those that support DB2. Audio This is where you introduce the different groups and teams that support DB2. Add some information about each. If your students are in one of these groups, ask them to talk about their role. Example: DB2 support is shared amongst several different teams within the IT Infrastructure group. The Help Desk is outsourced to ABC Company. This is the first port of call for any DB2 problems found. The Help Desk will gather information about the problem, and send it to the relevant support group. The Security group perform all DB2 security administration, and perform regular DB2 security audits. Charlie Jones, one of the students in this course, works in the Security group. Tell us about what your job is, Charlie. The Systems Programming and Database Administration groups perform the DB2 administration and problem resolution. 5 | Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence

6 Database Administrators
John Smith Manager/DB2 Fred Blue DB2 Helen Gold Alan Green IMS David Grey DB2/IMS Dan Silver Graphic Update this screen with the organization chart of your Database Administrators that support DB2. Possibly add a picture of each. Audio This is where you can introduce the Database Administration team, and what it does. If a student works in this group, ask them to talk about their role. Add some information about each. Example: The Database Administrators create, maintain and support the DB2 databases. They perform regular monitoring of DB2 database and application performance. One of this team is on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to deal with any DB2 database. Dale Stevens in this course works with the DBAs. Tell us about your job, Dan. John Smith is the overall Database Administration manager, and also gets his hands into DB2 from time to time. Fred Blue is responsible for all DB2 databases, and he has Helen Gold to help. David Grey divides his time between DB2 and IMS. 6 | Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence

7 Dan Jones Jane Sampson Paul Simson Manager CICS / DB2 z/OS / DB2
Systems Programmers Dan Jones Manager Jane Sampson CICS / DB2 Paul Simson z/OS / DB2 Graphic Update this screen with the organization chart of your Systems Programmers that support DB2. Possibly add a picture of each. Audio This is where you can introduce the Systems Programming team, and what it does. If a student works in this group, ask them to talk about their role. Add some information about each. Example: The Systems Programmers support the DB2 software and DB2 address spaces. They install and customize DB2, and monitor and tune the systems. One of this team is on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to deal with any DB2 problems. Paul Simson and Jane Samson perform the DB2 systems programming work. They also do CICS and z/OS support work. 7 | Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence

8 DB2 Priority 1: Keep DB2 Systems Running
Goal: Zero Unscheduled DB2 outage. Challenges: DB2 changes, increasing DB2 workload Past Projects: Database tuning, database monitoring Current Projects: Workload sharing, DB2 upgrade. Future Projects: DB2 V10 Exploitation Graphic Update this graphic with the primary priority for DB2 groups. This graphic shows an example. Audio The next few screens are an opportunity to talk about what’s happening with DB2 in your organization. Students are introduced to the issues, challenges and projects with DB2. Each slide deals with one of the DB2 priorities at your site, and current present and future projects relating to that priority. This is an excellent place to involve your students in a discussion about DB2 at your site. Example: The number one priority of all DB2 support groups is to keep our DB2 systems up and running. This means that our DB2 databases are always available, and have good performance. In the past we have had few unscheduled DB2 outages, and we intend to keep this good record. Our DB2 databases also have good response times, but the workload on these databases is increasing, putting pressure on performance. This pressure is also felt in some of the applications accessing DB2. Last year we made some major changes to our DB2 database setup that has improved performance by 50%, and reduces the amount of time DB2 must be down for maintenance. We also implemented a monitoring solution that automatically notifies us if a DB2 resource is unavailable or performing badly. We are currently working to fully implement Workload sharing to further help with the increasing DB2 load. We are also upgrading our production DB2 systems to the latest DB2 version to improve performance. Let’s talk about DB2 availability. What areas do you think impact how long DB2 stays up? (Start discussion about availability. Discuss user availability needs, operational needs for backup and batch processing, current trends and DB2 features that can help). In the future, once the latest version of DB2 is in production, we will be looking to exploit the functional advantages it give us. 8 | Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence

9 DB2 Priority 2: Get the Most From DB2
Goal: Open up DB2 data. Challenges: Security, connectivity, control. Past Projects: DB2 DRDA. Current Projects: Improve DRDA portal, improve security and accountability. Future Projects: DB2 Stored Procedures for External Users Graphic Update this graphic with the secondary priority for DB2 groups. This graphic shows an example. Add more slides if you have more DB2 priorities to present. Audio Talk about your organization’s secondary DB2 priority. This is a good place to start a group discussion about DB2 as it relates to this priority. Example: Our DB2 data on z/OS is the core data in our organization. In the past other platforms have duplicated this DB2 data in other database managers such as Oracle and SQL Server. Our company is now moving towards using our central DB2 data for many applications on different platforms. We are working to make DB2 more friendly to these external users, and that the data available is of use. Let’s talk about these external DB2 users for a moment. How can an external application connect to DB2? (Start discussion about DB2 access, and the options available in your configuration. Discuss the issues for your organization related to this). Maintaining a secure system is very important, so security is very much a current issue with the improved access to DB2. We also need to keep control of who uses our DB2 data. If we need to bring down a table or database, we need to know who will be affected. Without understanding who accesses DB2, we cannot provide the best service. Over the past three years we have done a lot of work in this area. We have implemented DB2 DRDA access, and now have some major UNIX and Windows applications accessing our databases. We will continue to work on DRDA, and make it more efficient. We are also in the middle of a security evaluation of DRDA users, to ensure that our security is up to scratch. In the future, we are looking to create a central store of DB2 stored procedures for all users that are maintained by the DBAs. These stored procedures can provide optimized access to DB2 data to applications without the need for complicated SQL logic. 9 | Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence

10 Summary Who Supports DB2? The DBAs and Systems Programmers
DB2 Priorities and Projects Audio Example: This completes the DB2 Fundamentals course. You have covered technical theory from the Datatrain courses, related this to our systems, and looked at our priorities. | Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence

11 Understanding DB2 and Your Role
DB2 Fundamentals Overview of DB2 1 hour DB2 Internals 1 hour PowerPoint Our DB2 Data Overview of SQL 1 hour SQL and SPUFI Questions Presenter: An opportunity for you to respond to any questions that learners want to ask (5-10 minutes). Complete the webinar by: Thanking them for attending. Outlining what their next step in the training process is. Mentioning that the webinar will be made available to them for replaying if they require. An will be sent informing them of the details. Mention that the HR team may send them a survey to complete. 1 hour PowerPoint Our DB2 Systems Webinar Understanding DB2 and Your Role | Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence = Datatrain Course Modules

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