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Programming for webpages

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1 Programming for webpages
HTML Programming for webpages

2 What is HTML? Hyper Text Markup Language is the language that computers use to understand websites It tells computers what things are and how to format them on a webpage.

3 Tags are specific terms placed between < and >
How does HTML work? HTML uses “tags” to define elements, like tables, images, links, titles….. Tags are specific terms placed between < and > <title>

4 How do you use a tag? Usually tags are used at the beginning (opening) and the end (closing) of that piece of information General Format: <opening tag>content</closing tag> Example: <title>This is the Title</title> The closing tag for an element has a / between the < and the tag name </title>

5 What is an element? Elements are everything from opening tag to closing tag Title element - <title>This is the Title</title> Not all elements need a closing tag

6 Basic Structure of a Website
Declaration Tells the computer to use HTML <!doctype html> Head Describes page, not shown Contains the title Body This is the actual information that is visible on the webpage

7 Lets make one now <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>your name’s webpage</title> </head> <body>MST class first webpage This is the day one assignment </body> </html> Open Notepad Type this in:

8 How to save Click File, then Save As
Find where you are going to save it For the file name use: yournameHTMLday1.html Change Save as Type to All Files Choose encoding as UTF-8

9 How to open Leave the notepad file open
Go find where you saved it, it should have a google chrome icon Double Click the file

10 How to hand in Either copy/paste or Save as to get your file it into : AMST folder in the Hand-In folder on the network drive


12 Headings Headings indicate the important ideas on the page
They are also what search engines look at Use tags <h1> to <h6>, with <h1> being the most important heading Different headings are displayed in different sizes, <h1> is the biggest

13 Formatting <p> defines a paragraph </p>
Since there are different sized screens, this tells the internet browser to separate paragraphs <br> defines a line break, starts a new line (enter) Doesn’t have a closing tag <hr> defines a horizontal rule Puts in a horizontal line, used to separate content

14 Font formatting <b> - bold text <i> - italic text
<mark> - highlighted text <sub> - subscripted text <sup> - superscripted text

15 nesting Tags can be placed between other tags (nested)
<p><b>This is <mark>nested</mark> <i>text</i></b></p>

16 You try Open your day 1 file, save as yournameHTMLday2.html

17 Day two Assignment Create a page of your own you choose the topic
Must contain a head element with a title Must contain an h1 heading and an h2 heading Must contain a Paragraph element Save it as: yournameHTMLday2.html


19 Attributes Attributes provide more information about elements.
Attributes are placed in the opening tag General format: name=“value” <h2 title=“I’m an attribute”>heading #2</h2>

20 color Color is considered an attribute Text color Background color
<p style=“color:red;”> Background color <body style=“background-color:yellow;”> <p style=“background-color:blue;”>

21 color Color can be identified a few different ways Name (140)
RGB values HEX values HSL values RGBA values HSLA values

22 RGB color RGB is a combination of Red, Green, and Blue using a scale of rgb(255,0,255) Mixer Equal numbers of all 3 give gray rgb(0,0,0) – black rgb(255,255,255) - white

23 HEx Hex is a six digit hexadecimal number based on the rgb values, 2 digits each #rrggbb # = midnight blue Remember FF=255

24 HSL HSL stands for hue, saturation, and lightness
hsl(hue,saturation%,lightness%) Hue is the color on a scale of 0-360 0 = red, 120 = green, 240 = blue Saturation is color intensity 0% = complete gray, 50% = kind of gray with color, 100% = full color Lightness 0% = black, 50% = color, 100% = white

25 RGBA & HSLA A stands for alpha, means opacity Ranges from 0 to 1
0 is fully transparent, 1 is not transparent at all

26 Examples <body style=“color:orange;”>
<p style=“background-color:rgb(255,165,0);”> <h2 style=“color:#FFA500;”> <body style=“background-color:hsl(39,100%,50%);”>

27 Day Three Assignment Open Day 2 assignment, save as yournameHTMLday3.html Add a background color to your entire page Change color of some text to a different color Bonus – display your colors using either rgb, hex, or hsl

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