1 Italian Activity in SOOP-VOS PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 Franco Reseghetti Giuseppe M.R. Manzella ENEA – La Spezia (on behalf of GNOO – National.

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1 1 Italian Activity in SOOP-VOS PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 Franco Reseghetti Giuseppe M.R. Manzella ENEA – La Spezia (on behalf of GNOO – National Group in Operational Oceanography )

2 2 Outline of the presentation PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 MFS- VOS in the Mediterranean Participants Activity in 2005 Perspectives

3 3 MFS-VOS in the Mediterranean PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 SOOP is in the framework of MFS SOOP in Mediterranean is coordinated by ENEA Collaboration with CSIC-CEAB (Spain), CNRS-LOB-COM (France), CNR & OGS (Italy), IOF (Croatia), HCMR (Greece), IMS-METU (Turkey), OC-UCY (Cyprus), IOLR (Israel).

4 4 MFS-VOS in the Mediterranean PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 Started in September 1999 Sustained by: MFSPP (EC-DG Research) ADRICOSM (Italian Min. Environment) MFSTEP (EC-DG Research) Activities in the framework of EuroGOOS and MedGOOS Supports the Mediterranean Forecasting System Included in the GMES Ocean component (Integrated Project: MERSEA)

5 5 MFS-VOS in the Mediterranean PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 From 1999 to 2006

6 6 MFS-VOS in the Mediterranean PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 From 1999 to 2005 MFS-PP ADRICOSM MFS-TEP

7 7 MFS-VOS in the Mediterranean in 2005 PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 Genova-Palermo Ploce-Malta

8 8 MFS-VOS in the Mediterranean in 2005 PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 SOOP+COOP DB (>1000), T4(>100), T7(>100), T5(<20)

9 9 MFS-VOS in the Mediterranean in 2005 PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 Improved data acquisition and q.c. procedures

10 10 XBT launch system XBT launch system PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006

11 11 GPS XBT launcher connection MK12/21 card MFSTEP version

12 12 From ARGOS to Globalstar PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 Early, only some significant points extracted from the temperature profiles were transmitted by mean of ARGOS in real time. In order to have the full resolution profiles, the data transmission system was changed: GSM & Internet systems. The data were transmitted in near-real time, e.g. with a delay of about 12 – 20 hours from data collection. Now, full resolution profiles are transmitted by means of the Globalstar system. Data are transmitted from ships to ENEA MFS-VOS Thematic Data Centre. Satellite allows a TRUE real time transmission. GSM transmission is (probably) less expensive, but it is possible only in near coastal areas. In case of long tracks a delay is expected.

13 13 From ARGOS to Globalstar PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 Genova-Palermo

14 14 Data QC Procedures PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 Original NRT.QC.XBT procedure (Manzella, Scoccimarro, Pinardi, Tonani - 2003): Initial visual check Position control, gross range check & spikes analysis Interpolation at 1 m interval, then Gaussian smoothing Comparison with climatology Final visual check, providing an overall consistency QC profiles are available on ENEA WEB page within ~ 1 h delay

15 15 Web page (general) PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006

16 16 PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 Web page (LAS)

17 17 Lybia Comparison between XBT and ARGO I PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 Red= ARGO, Blue=XBT

18 18 Comparison between XBT and ARGO II PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 Red= ARGO, Blue=XBT

19 19 Extended acquisition* (in blue nominal values) T4 (70.5 s) 460 m –21 kn V 27 kn(230 XBT): = 80.6 ± 1.1 s ~ 550 m DB (118.3 s) 760 m –V 20 kn(1312 XBT): = 140.9 ± 1.8 s ~ 900 m T7 (118.3 s) 760 m –V 15 kn(68 XBT): = 142.5 ± 2.2 s ~ 900 m T5 (290.6 s) 1830 m –V 7 kn(8 XBT): = 351.0 ± 10.9 s ~ 2100 m Data Acquisition Improvements PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 *Only probes with t t nom, 2004-2005 measurements.

20 20 QC procedures Improvements I Data are QC with a unique (improved) NRT procedure and released. The Gaussian filter smoothes too much the raw T values, mainly where dT/dz is significant. Each profile is divided in 3 regions (from the surface down to the seasonal thermocline, thermocline region, bottom), with different Gaussian filter values. The time t 0 at which dT/dz starts is selected: four consecutive t intervals where dT/dz < - 0.1 ºC (nominal XBT accuracy) Temperature values from surface to 3 m depth and last three values,a t the bottom, are eliminated (instead 5 m). PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006

21 21 QC procedures Improvements II *IE4820050916054004 Data Type=H13 Ship Name=LA SUPERBA CallSign=ICGK *DATE=16092005 TIME=0540 LAT=N41 24.97 LON=E 11 4.18 DEPTH=-999. QC=1119 *NB PARAMETRES=02 RECORD LINES=00766 *PRES SEA PRESSURE sea surface=0 (DECIBAR=1000 PASCALS) def.= -999.99 *TEMP SEA TEMPERATURE (CELSIUS DEGREE) def.= 99.999 *GLOBAL PROFILE QUALITY FLAG=1 GLOBAL PARAMETERS QC FLAGS=11 *DC HISTORY=XBTs; XBT TYPE= TD; ACQUISITION TIME (s)=120.5; * *DM HISTORY=QC IN NEAR REAL TIME - MFS SOFTWARE * *COMMENT:PROJECT=MFSTEP ; LAUNCH H(m)=11; SPEED(kn)=23-27; WIND SPEED(kn)=10; * *SURFACE SAMPLES= * *PRES(DBAR) TEMP(°C) PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 NEW HEADER for all the q.c. profiles on ENEA WEB page

22 22 Perspectives for 2006 PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 Same procedures for data flow and QC. Continuation of data collection in Italian Seas (ADRICOSM- EXT: Dubrovnik-Bari & Ploce-Malta) and Genova-Palermo, with the addition of meteo-stations. Other Cruises Of Opportunity in the Mediterranean (Italian R/V URANIA) and Cyprus – Egypt transect (in collaboration with UCY). Technological improvements, such as multiple launcher and multi-parametric probe (XBT-F).

23 23 Data processing improvement The use the ACQUISITION TIME (fixed increments due to the 10 Hz sampling rate) as free parameter. Then, the order of operations at point 3) in qc procedure has to be inverted. START-UP problem. Systematic difference at the seasonal thermocline depth. The XBT recording system needs time before it measures stable T values (within 0.1 ºC). The observed averaged delay is 0.3 ± 0.1 s. Each profile could be rescaled. NEW FALL RATE COEFFICIENTS seem to be required in Mediterranean for XBTs. The addition of a fine-tuning (based on XBT calibration results) seems to be also possible. The accuracy on T values seems to be dependent on depth and occurring thermal structures. PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006 Depth error Accuracy on temperature values

24 24 Thank You! PMO-3-INT Hamburg 23-24 March, 2006

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