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Visualizing Beneficiary Experience through Journey Mapping

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1 Visualizing Beneficiary Experience through Journey Mapping
Moments of Truth: Visualizing Beneficiary Experience through Journey Mapping American Evaluation Association Cleveland, OH ▪ Oct 31, 2018 Sonia welcomes participants and introduces team Sonia Taddy- Sandino and Cristina Whyte (Engage R+D) Bernadette Sangalang (The David and Lucile Packard Foundation)

2 Topics for Today What is journey mapping?
How can we use it to better address needs and complex systems issues? What are the key questions and considerations? What are different variations? Let’s take it on a test drive! Sonia What’s the value of journey mapping and how can it be applied to different types of planning and evaluation projects? How can journey mapping test our assumptions and surface truths about the beneficiary experience? What are different methods and strategies for engaging constituent voice? What do journey maps look like and how can they be used to support learning and ensure the experience of beneficiaries is front and center? Moments of Truth: Visualizing Beneficiary Experience through Journey Mapping

Journey mapping is a process grounded in design-thinking that combines story telling and visualization to better understand and address stakeholder needs, complex problems, and potential solutions. Sonia By now you are probably wondering, what is journey mapping and how does it relate to design thinking?

4 Presentation Title Cristina
The design thinking process is usually presented as a linear process. We won’t go deep into explaining the whole design thinking process. but we did want to highlight portions of the process in which journey mapping might be most helpful.  The first step, to Empathise, is to understand the human experience surrounding an issue The second is to Define the problem that surrounds and issue.  Third is to Ideate - or come up with ideas about how to solve the problem. The best solutions are developed into prototypes.  Prototypes, in the consumer world, are models of products that are tested to see if how the product might be used to solve a problem. In our evaluation world, these would be program pilots that are then Tested to see the extent to which the solution solves the social issue it means to addressed.   Even though this process is presented as a linear process it is anything but linear. Journey mapping is most helpful between the empathise and define phases and before the prototyping phase. But it can be worked into other phases as well when refinements need to made in order to develop a better final product.  Presentation Title

5 How can we use journey maps?
Document stakeholder experience Focuses on client-centric and stakeholder-centric solutions Simplifies complexity Can map out ideal journey for stakeholders and identify barriers Re-imagine ways to enhance the stakeholder experience Cristina Journey maps can tell a story by documenting the stakeholder experience or re-imaging what an ideal experience might look like. They are not intended to map every twist and turn or capture every aspect of the experience—the goal is to understand and strengthen how people experience a given service, program, or system. Moments of Truth: Visualizing Beneficiary Experience through Journey Mapping

6 What are Key Questions? Who: Who is the journey about? Which personas are the focus of your mapping process? What: What are their goals? What are they doing? What are the obstacles or facilitators in the journey? Where: Where are they in their journey and what are the touch points or stages? How: How are they feeling and experiencing the process or journey? What are the highs and lows? Why: Why do they behave the way they do at each point in the journey? What motivates or discourages them? Cristina

7 What are Key steps? Design and Engage: Determine focus of journey mapping and engage partners to guide process Gather and Analyze: Determine data collection method (typically interviews) and logistics. Keep protocol simple! Create journey map: Use notes to construct map (see variations) Engage others with end product: Use end product as living and interactive tool to understand user experience & guide decisions Cristina

8 Anatomy of a Journey Map
Cristina Source:

9 Journey mapping can take many forms. Here are a few case examples!

10 Example: Early Childhood Touchpoints
Bernadette – shares example of family engagement journey map and how is was useful This is an example of a journey map for early childhood and family engagement. While we recognized the complexity of what we were trying to map, this simple depiction of families’ experiences with the early childhood system brought clarity to our conversations and helped us identify and better communicate opportunities and barriers.

11 Capacity Building Journey
Empathy Map Sonia Source:

12 Systems Thinking: Veteran resources
FSG Journey Maps for Institute of Museum and Library Services Sonia

13 Discussion and Questions
What are your initial reactions to this approach and what did you find interesting? How could journey mapping be applied to your work? Bernadette Moments of Truth: Visualizing Beneficiary Experience through Journey Mapping

14 Activity: Create a Journey Map
How do participants experience and navigate the AEA Conference on the spookiest day of the year? What: What are we doing at various phases and touch points? How: What are the highs and lows? How are we feeling about our experience? Opportunities: What are some promising practices and opportunities? Cristina Moments of Truth: Visualizing Beneficiary Experience through Journey Mapping

15 Discovered new mapping tool!
Journey Mapping: Navigating AEA Conference on Halloween! This map highlights key touchpoints and experiences of AEA participants as they navigate the conference on the spookiest day of the year! Treats (conference highs and pleasant surprises) Discovered new mapping tool! Registration Prof Dev Workshops Plenary Sessions Concurrent Sessions Networking Events Key Touch Points Process Instructions Assign groups of 2-3 people to each stage of development Ask them to write (on color-coded stick notes) the various programs and touchpoints that exist in given community and place of the journey map (blown up and on the wall) As a large group, discuss what exists, what’s missing and how this impacts thinking about potential investments in a coordinated continuum of supports and parent engagement opportunities Got lost 6 times! Tricks (conference lows and spooky encounters)

16 Thank you Moments of Truth: Visualizing Beneficiary Experience through Journey Mapping

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