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Become a Course Rep HUU Education Zone.

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Presentation on theme: "Become a Course Rep HUU Education Zone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Become a Course Rep HUU Education Zone

2 What are Course Reps? Students who are elected to represent other students on their course.

3 What do Course Reps do? Attend a short training session on advocacy and representation held by HUU. Communicate with fellow students to find out issues. Sit on Staff/Student Committees to present those issues to senior staff. Feedback to students to communicate any progress. Sit on HUU’s Academic Council to discuss issues in an open forum of 400 other Course Reps.

4 Why become a Course Rep? To make a difference. Learn new skills.
Enhance your CV. Get recognition. Meet new people and socialise.

5 How do I become a Course Rep
Pick up a nomination form from HUU Reception, directly from your department or online at Hand in the form to either HUU Reception or directly to your department.

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