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The Universe and its Origin!

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Presentation on theme: "The Universe and its Origin!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Universe and its Origin!

2 Science Starter – Standard 1.1
Create a KWL chart in your science starter section about “The Universe” KNOW WANT TO KNOW LEARNED

3 Agenda Science Starter Intro to the Universe and its Origin
Independent Activity

4 Objective SWBAT identify theories and events that contribute to the origin of the Universe

5 WELCOME TO UNIT 1! THE UNIVERSE Our first unit will focus on…
Why study it? Topics in this unit include: origins of the universe, the solar system, planets, sun, moon, and stars

How did it all begin? NOTES #1: ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE

7 BRAINSTORM What do you know about current theories of where the universe came from?

8 DOPPLER EFFECT When objects are moving towards you, the light they emit appears more blue because the waves are compressed (“blue shift”) When objects are moving away from you, the light they emit appears more red because the waves are stretched out (“red shift”)


I’m going to present some evidence to you, then you are going to come up with theories about how the universe began.

11 RED SHIFT Early 20th century: Edwin Hubble discovered that light that reached Earth from distant galaxies in all directions was shifted toward the red end of the spectrum

12 DISCUSSION When do we observe red shift?
What does Hubble’s red shift tell us about the universe?

13 CONCLUSIONS The Universe is expanding!
If the Universe is expanding, how did it begin?

14 TWO THEORIES Big Bang Theory Steady State Theory

15 BIG BANG THEORY Universe began as a dense, hot, single point
13.7 billion years ago, a rapid expansion occurred outwards in all directions (NOT an explosion) All matter and energy was created at this point Matter cooled and formed atoms, gases, and stars Universe is still expanding outwards from that expansion

16 VIDEO Big Bang Theory

17 STEADY STATE THEORY The universe looks the same as it has always been even though it is expanding New matter is constantly being created from empty space to maintain its density


19 DEATH OF THE UNIVERSE How do you think the Universe will end?
What are the possibilities?

20 TWO THEORIES Big Crunch Expansion Forever

21 BIG CRUNCH Eventually, the Universe’s gravitation will be strong enough to halt and reverse expansion The Universe will contract back into a single point …and then another Big Bang?

22 EXPANSION FOREVER The Universe will continue to expand and cool forever

23 VIDEO Death of the Universe


25 PRACTICE Work independently. Use your notes and the reading.
Create a Big Bang Timeline Choose which theories you support and explain why BE SURE TO FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS… IF YOU ARE CONFUSED, PLEASE ASK FOR HELP!!!

26 HOMEWORK The worksheet =)

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