MC Services For our project we created MC Services.

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Presentation on theme: "MC Services For our project we created MC Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 MC Services For our project we created MC Services.
MC Services provides cleaning services for Marist College Students

2 AD: Example of a potential Ad
On the left is a stressed out student sitting in a really messy dorm room and on the right we can see a relaxed student sitting in a clean and organized dorm room

3 Executive Summary Keeping a room or house clean and organized while dealing with a busy class schedule, homework, papers and tests is not an easy task.This is why Marist College teamed up with cleaning professionals to create its own MC Cleaning Services.It will offer cleaning services to Marist College students that are seeking help from professionals to keep their living space clean and organized. MC Services is offered as an option during the financial process that is completed upon arrival to school.This means that the summer before coming to school, students have the option through Marist College to choose if they want their own cleaning service or not. Choosing MC Services means that the cleaning service will arrive at the destination at the exact time and day that the student chooses.This cleaning service is provided for Marist College students only, so unlike local cleaning services that provide services for many different homes, we have one goal only and that is to cater efficiently to the students.MC Services will do its best to make students are happy by allowing them to have more free time to focus on school work and their social lives.

4 Mission Statement: “Our mission is to make college more of a home away from home experience by providing cleaning services for Marist students” Our mission is to make college more of a home away from home experience by providing cleaning services for Marist students.

5 Strengths: Weaknesses: Opportunities: Threats:
our strengths are that it is a unique service, and can easily be advertised on campus our weakness would be time. Not every housemate has a similar schedule and not all schedules are consistent. Another weakness would be that our service might be too expensive for students to pay for. Our opportunities are that MC Services can be expandable to different colleges, and can provide jobs to students A threat would be other cleaning companies

6 Historical Background
Our firm is a non-profit organization There is a need for this service because there are many students who do not have enough time to get all of their school work done, and juggle a social life. There are many unmotivated students and students who are not capable of cleaning their own living space due to certain disabilities.

7 Competitive Analysis Top 3 competitors: Competitor 1: Merry Maids
Competitor 2: Cottage Care Competitor 3: Clean N' Tidy Market Structure: Monopolistic competition

8 Macro-Environment Macro-Environment:
• Economic environment: change in the economy, change in demand • Technological environment: Sign up online- can pay online • Social-cultural environment: Trend toward college students • Natural environment: All natural cleaning products

9 Marketing Objectives Marketing Objectives (Year 1)
Units Sold: 8, 10, 12, 15 Revenue: Freshman/ Midrise- 30, 25, 22, 20 Townhouses: 35, 30, 27, 23 Profit: s dollars per clean of profit

10 Description of overall market
unmotivated marist college students students that have money to spend disabled college students

11 Description of the Top Three Most Attractive Market Segments
Description of Top Three Most Attractive Market Segments: Segment 1: Unmotivated college students- busy with school work, classes, distracted by social life Segment 2: Disabled college students: Disability that makes cleaning difficult Segment 3: Entitled college students: Students that have the extra money to spend on a cleaning service Target Market: Unmotivated College Students

12 Target Market unmotivated college students

13 Positioning Strategy:
• Desired Position: Fast, high reliable cleaning service

14 Marketing Mix Marketing Mix 1. Product: Cleaning Services
• Core: Having more free time • Actual: Cleaning services • Augmented: Free cleaning supplies samples

15 Price Price Actual price in dollars: $1,600,000
Price relative to competitors (Same? Higher? Lower?): Lower

16 Promotion: free cleaning samples with purchase of MC services plan

17 Advertising TV: N/A Radio: N/A Newspapers: N/A
Magazines: 5% $50,000.00 Outdoor Billboards: 25% $250,000.00 Internet: 70% $700, % direct marketing, 10% on Marist Website and others

18 Direct Marketing Direct Marketing To street address: N/A
30% 300,000.00 Social Media: 30% 300,000.00

19 Place relational trust: Our cleaning service has the “willingness to take a risk in the confidence of our relational partner’s benevolence, honesty, reliability and integrity.” To obtain the trust of resellers, we will have Integrity, dependability, and competence. By being competent, we will perform our obligations and duties with the use of our technical skills, expertise, and timeliness when completing our work at the destinations. We will be dependable by being consistent with our words and actions. We will have integrity by being honest, confident and caring for others.

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