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CIRCABC Proof Of Concept

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1 CIRCABC Proof Of Concept
Jérôme MICHEL European Commission, Directorate General INFORMATICS

2 Topics: Introduction Users Management Documents Management
Create a user Add Members Specific access rights Documents Management Create a document Collaborative features Search capacities CIRCABC User Interface Web Content Accessibility Guidelines CIRCABC look and feel Simplified Interest Group 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

3 Introduction Introducing Alfresco Developments status
Content / Document Management System Open Source Developments status Focused on most crucial features User Interface will be customised Web Content Accessibility Guidelines CIRCABC look and feel 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

4 Introduction: Alfresco User Interface
Toolbar Header Detail 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

5 Users Management Create a user : Personal information 07/12/2006

6 Users Management Create a user : User account 07/12/2006

7 Users Management Add Members Select an existing user Grant a role
User can be notified by 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

8 Users Management Specific access rights
Secure access on a specific folder Select an Interest Group Member Grant him/her a specific role on this folder 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

9 Documents Management Create a document Upload a document
Enter document Properties Interest Group members can be notified by 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

10 Documents Management Document Properties Actions menu File properties
Custom properties Actions menu 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

11 Documents Management Collaborative features
Start a discussion on a document Directly attached to the document Organised with topics and posts 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

12 Documents Management Collaborative features Lock a document for update
Working copy 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

13 Documents Management Collaborative features
Create versions of the document View versions history 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

14 Documents Management Search capacities Quick Search On content
On text properties 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

15 Documents Management Search capacities Advanced Search Saved search
On content On any properties: document type, dates … From a folder location Saved search 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

16 CIRCABC User Interface
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Make documents accessible to people with disabilities make Web content more available to all users, whatever user agent they are using (e.g., voice browser, mobile phone, automobile-based personal computer, etc.) Allow people with disabilities to interact Upload and update documents Participate in forum, discussions and surveys 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

17 CIRCABC User Interface
CIRCABC Look and Feel CIRCABC welcome page 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

18 CIRCABC User Interface
CIRCABC Look and Feel Interest Group Home pages 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

19 CIRCABC User Interface
Simplified Interest Group Browse the Library Upload documents Collaborative tools Quick Search Forums Surveys 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

20 CIRCABC status Further developments Questions – at discussion point
Contacts (+352) (+352) Informatics DG, Corporate IT Infrastructure Solutions, E-Government Information Solutions Thank you for your attention 07/12/2006 CIRCA/BC IPM DEV Conf

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