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Social science By Kailah Hamilton.

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1 Social science By Kailah Hamilton

2    But first a quiz  yaaaaaaaaaay

3 Question 1 What were the nine African American students who were enrolled into a segregated all white school referred to as?  The Little Rock Nine The Integrated Nine The Segregated Nine None the Above   

4 Question 2 Who signed the G.I Bill into law? Jim Crow
Theodore Roosevelt Some guy called Jerry  Franklin D. Roosevelt

5 Question 3 One of the reasons the Cold War started was because of the competition in space exploration... True False

6 Question 4 Which of these achievements did President Eisenhower accomplish? Expand Social Security Increased minimum wage Started the Nation System of Interstate and Defense HIghway program Created the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare All of the above 

7 New Deal programs New deal programs-a series of programs and projects to restore prosperity to Americans  The most popular program was the Civilian Conservation Corps. It put unemployed and unmarried men, and later unemployed veterans, to work in the community In all there were 47 programs

8 G.I. Bill of Rights Used to prevent veterans from unemployment after WWll Provided Government aid to soldiers Intended to help returning soldiers adjust to civilian life  Some benefits: Housing, college funding, and unemployment insurance

9 Indian Reorganization Act (IRA)
One of the New Deal programs Took place from 1934-early 1940's Federal government granted Native Americans greater power over self-government

10 Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka,Kansas
Took place from December 9,1952-May 17, 1954 Linda Brown was in third grade when she wanted to enroll into an all-white school closer than the one that the black students went to The case is named after her father Oliver Brown as a legal strategy to put a man as the head of the roster The Supreme Court declared that state laws established separate public schools for black students and white students unconstitutional Thanks to this case we can go to any schools we choose no matter race

11 Additional Definitions
Isolationism- a policy in which seperating affairs of different groups,especially politically Iron Curtain- the metaphorical definition of the division of Europe into two spheres Sputnik- the first man-made satellite sent to space by the Soviet union Gender roles-Behavior learned by someoneas being appropriate to his or her gender Ngo Dinh Diem-Leader of South Korea


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