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Human Resource Management Activities / Highlights

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1 Human Resource Management Activities / Highlights
Lusaka Eye Hospital, Zambia / SID Pastor Wibbofree Mukabila P.O. Box 32296, Lusaka, Zambia / Human Resource Management Introduction Activities / Highlights On a daily basis heads of departments meet with their team before close of day and discuss how the day went and analyze how work will be done the following day; identifying possible crisis areas and suggesting measures to be taken. The implementation of the morning hurdles has led to quality improvement in the hospital operations. In the morning, heads of department will stay behind for about five minutes to analyze the day. Department names are written on a flip chart and different colors are used to highlight the status of the department: RED means there is a crisis that will hinder the operations of that particular department. For example, it’s an emergency if the generator has broken down because the hospital will shut down if the regular power sources are interrupted for any reason. In this case the maintenance team has to make this a priority to ensure this doesn’t happen. This crisis would have been avoided if the maintenance team had been doing their daily check on the machine. So red is not a preferred color to appear. BLUE means that operations are okay but there is a need for action before the situation gets to red. For example, attention needs to be paid to drug stock levels and preparations made to reorder before the stock gets below the reorder level. GREEN means everything is okay in the department and operations are running smoothly. This color coding has helped ensure that all aspects of the hospital operations are in place. The 2016 conference was focused on how institutions can improve or enhance employee participation in the day-to-day operations of the institution as well as retain the best workforce. At Lusaka Eye Hospital one strategy that we adopted was to increase employee participation by introducing morning hurdles. History Crisis management was the order of the day before the morning hurdles were introduced. For example because there was not checking of the important drugs required in the hospital there was no deliberate plan to procure that particular drug to avoid a crisis. This impacted negatively on our customer confidence in the quality of service. Mission To reflect the character of Jesus Christ through restoration of spiritual, emotional and physical sight to everybody while working hard and endeavoring to become self-supporting by God's grace. Future Goals To offer the best eye care services in Southern Africa. To work hand-in-hand with other eye hospitals and NGOs worldwide in the elimination of preventable blindness whenever possible. To retain the best ophthalmologists, management team, and support staff for the smooth running of the hospital.

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