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Portfolio Committee on Economic Development

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1 Portfolio Committee on Economic Development
14 October 2010

2 Annual Report of the Competition Tribunal 2009/2010

3 Norman Manoim Chairperson
Lerato Motaung Registrar Janeen de Klerk Head: Corporate Services Tel: Fax:

4 What we do Independent, specialised institution established by statute (Competition Act 89 of 1998) Regulates corporate mergers and adjudicates allegations of anti-competitive practices

5 Merger regulation In respect of mergers, the Tribunal
Authorises or prohibits large mergers and Adjudicates appeals from the Commission’s decisions regarding intermediate mergers

6 Restrictive Practices
In respect of anti-competitive behaviour, the Tribunal Adjudicates complaint referrals, Adjudicates interim relief applications, and Adjudicates appeals from the Competition Commission’s decisions regarding applications for exemptions

7 Highlights on cases 85 cases heard 71 reasons issued
63.46% of hearings in large merger cases took place within 10 days of receipt of case 100% of decisions in large merger cases released within 10 days of hearing 75 days spent in hearings 369 media reports in sources monitored by the Tribunal

8 Tribunal Cases Type of case Number heard Reasons issued Large merger
52 60 Procedural 23 7 Intermediate merger Complaint referral from the Commission - Consent orders - Opposed referrals 5 2 Complaint referral from a complainant Interim relief 1 Total heard 85 71

9 Large Mergers

10 Large Merger Trends

11 Large Merger Trends over 10 years
A total of 712 mergers decided 90.45% approved unconditionally 8.42% approved subject to conditions 1.12% prohibited

12 Large Merger Trend in this financial period
A total of 52 mergers were decided 92.30% approved unconditionally 7.70% approved subject to conditions

13 Mergers where we imposed conditions
Public Interest (Employment) (Harmony Gold/Pamodzi, Nedbank/Imperial Bank, Bidpaper/Pretoria Wholesalers Stationers, Wispeco/Sheerline) Competition Issues – securing supply for customers of merged firm (Chlor-Alkali/Botash)

14 Mergers where we overruled the Commission’s recommendation
Use of complex economic model in merger decisions (Masscash/Finro)

15 Turnaround times for mergers
33 of 52 mergers were heard within 10 days of referral 52 or 52 mergers decided within 10 days of hearing 20 of 60 mergers had reasons issued within 20 days of decision

16 Restrictive Practices

17 Do we have jurisdiction over government departments?
AEC/Dept of Minerals and Energy

18 Unfinished business in connection with travel agents’ remuneration

19 No fire despite the smoke!
JTI, Commission case against BAT dismissed “…not only can we not identify consumer harm or find significant foreclosure arising from BATSA’s promotional activities,, we cannot even ascribe harm to competitors from the allegedly anti-competitive conduct”

20 But where there is a case we will act vigorously
Pioneer found guilty of cartel behaviour in baking industry

21 Highest % of fine imposed in opposed cartel case
9.5% of Pioneer’s Sasko in Western Cape (R46 million) 10% of Sasko’s national turnover (R149 million)

22 Total Fine Imposed on Pioneer

23 Administrative penalties imposed exceeded R 292 million
Sasol Chemical Industries Ltd R250 million Marley Pipes Systems (Pty) Ltd R31 million Concrete Units(Pty) Ltd R5,7 million Cobro Concrete (Pty) Ltd R4 million

24 Turnaround times for restrictive practices
4 of 7 matters heard within 20 days of close of pleadings 6 of 8 matters were decided within the 60 days of the last hearing

25 Tribunal hearing days for cases taking more than one day

26 Participation in international bodies
Continued active participation in the Competition Committee of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Case managers and the Tribunal members attended ICN workshops and conferences

27 Highlights Move to the EDD 10 year anniversary celebrations
Appointment of new tribunal members

28 Tribunal Members until July 2009
David Lewis Marumo Moerane – Deputy Chairperson Norman Manoim Yasmin Carrim Urmila Bhoola Merle Holden Mbuyiseli Madlanga Thandi Orleyn Medi Mokuena Lawrence Reyburn Nicola Theron

29 Tribunal Members from August 2009
Norman Manoim - Chairperson Mbuyiseli Madlanga – Deputy Chairperson Yasmin Carrim Andreas Wessels Andiswa Ndoni Merle Holden Thandi Orleyn Medi Mokuena Lawrence Reyburn Nicola Theron** Takalani Madima

30 Tribunal Staff Staff complement of 14 in 3 divisions
Corporate Services headed by Janeen de Klerk Research Division headed by Rietsie Badenhorst Registry Division headed by Lerato Motaung

31 Staff Race/Gender Composition

32 Tribunal Members Race/Gender Composition

33 Staff Experience

34 Financial Management

35 Financial Management Under expenditure by 30.11%
Tribunal members’ training Case document software Decreased hearing days

36 Hearing days DAYS 2010 % 2009 Hearing days 75 123.5
Person days, full-time members 173 76.89 244 65.86 Person days, part-time members 52 23.11 126.5 34.14 Total person days 225 100 370.5 Per Tribunal member 20.46 37.05

37 Financial Performance
High level of financial control All financial policies being updated No balance sheet issues (accrual basis)

38 Financial performance
Functioning Audit Committee which meets 4 times a year Unqualified report No financial misconduct No significant findings (24% of targets were not measurable/specific/time bound)

39 Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure
R3368 for PAYE shortfall

40 Soccer World Cup Just over R13000 spent on 30 soccer t-shirts for staff and security personnel R219 used to purchase flags for the office

41 Financial Management Category Amount R million % 2010 % 2009 % 2008
% 2010 % 2009 % 2008 Government grants 13.04 65.76 48.10 44.54 Filing fees 5.20 26.24 42.82 47.70 Other income 1.59 8.00 9.08 7.76 Total income 19.83 100

42 Financial Management Expenditure Category % 2010 % 2009 % change
% 2010 % 2009 % change Personnel 54.70 53.62 6.11 Administration 17.82 17.76 4.41 Training 7.70 7.42 7.82 ** Professional services 16.42 18.99 -10.08 Other operating expenses 3.36 2.21 58.14 Total expenditure 100 4.01

43 Distribution of professional services fees
CATEGORY Distribution % change Consulting 30.00 76.54 Recruitment 1.69 -29.89 Public relations 11.51 -10.45 Part-time members’ fees 28.95 -40.28 Recording fees 7.64 -47.22 Facility fees 20.21 25.86 Total 100 -10.08

44 Financial Challenges Continuous funding from the dept
Developing SMART targets Aligning budget to targets

45 General Challenges Expedite case resolution Improve access to justice
Widen intern program Implement case management system

46 Thank You

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