Copyright © 1999-2000 SoftTree Technologies, Inc. DB Tuning Expert.

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1 Copyright © 1999-2000 SoftTree Technologies, Inc. DB Tuning Expert

2 Collecting statistics; detecting resource contentions; tweaking instance parameters up, down and sideways; moving database files around; adjusting memory allocations; tuning home-grown application; optimizing individual SQL procedures and statements can be mystical and scary stuff. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Oracle DBA, you know that the Oracle tuning process is a real challenge

3 No more need to run hundreds of different scripts. Database Instance Parameters Database Logical And Physical Design Object Sizing, Placement, and Reorganization Database Trends Application SQL Indexing Strategies With just a few mouse clicks you can now analyze:

4 DB Tuning Expert means automated identification and tuning recommendations for more efficient resource utilization, higher transaction throughput, and faster query performance. DB Tuning Expert is a must-have tool for every Oracle DBA and consultant. It will help you to optimize your Oracle database environment, avoid costly upgrades of hardware, memory, and disks.

5 DB Tuning Expert is designed to perform complex database tuning analysis. It contains hundreds of rules for tuning an Oracle database. DB Tuning Expert produces a set of recommendations for tuning improvements tailored specifically for the analyzed database. Detailed reports on the collected data and the analysis process are automatically generated. Data is collected from multiple sources: V$tables, Oracle data dictionary, library cache, DB Tuning Expert also analyzes data gathered by DB Trends Expert. This data is stored in the DB Trends Expert repository.

6 Summary DB Tuning Expert is a comprehensive tool for both interactive and proactive performance tuning and capacity planning of the Oracle environment. Combined with other DB Tools components, these products provide a total solution for Oracle database performance management. DB Tuning Expert is a comprehensive tool for both interactive and proactive performance tuning and capacity planning of the Oracle environment. Combined with other DB Tools components, these products provide a total solution for Oracle database performance management.

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