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Romanticism and Transcendentalism The New England Renaissance

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Presentation on theme: "Romanticism and Transcendentalism The New England Renaissance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Romanticism and Transcendentalism The New England Renaissance
Literary Movements Of

2 Romanticism Valued… Feelings over Reason and Logic
Use of Imagination to discover truths Spirit of Individualism & Nonconformity Beauty of the Natural World National events that sparked Romanticism: Reaction to Rationalism & Industrialism Western Expansion: The Romantic Journey National Unity Threatened by Civil War (1860) & Slavery Treatment of Native Americans / Indian Removal Act (1830)

3 Writers of Romanticism
Settings are in Nature, NOT in the city Supernatural Elements Would throwback to Old Legends and Folklore Reveal Beauty & Truth Writing was an Intellectual Awakening Inherent Darkness in us all. We are flawed. God is External

4 Romanticism Transcendentalism
Transcend means to rise above something, to pass beyond its limits.

5 Basics of Transcendentalism
To discover the meaning of God, the universe, the self: one must transcend or go beyond everyday human experience in the physical world. True meaning was found in ideas. Ideas about the world sprang up from intuition not logic. Intuition was used to know things spontaneously and immediately. Use emotions rather than our reasoning abilities. Passionate nationalism & love for country Fascination with the supernatural and the mysterious

6 Relationship to God We can find God directly in nature. God works through nature. Death is simply a part of the cycle of life. God is inherent within us = each of us has the divine spark or inherent good. Importance of nature spiritual growth is achieved through nature.

7 Transcendental thought focused on
Individualism & Nonconformity (Free Thought) Self-reliance & Confidence Spiritual Growth & Self-Realization Importance of Nature Transcendental literature had a sense of optimism and hope that appealed to audiences, who lived in a period of economic downturns, regional strife, and conflict over slavery.

8 Transcendentalism born from Romanticism

9 Romanticism Movement ∞ Profound love of nature. ∞ Intuition/Emotion over reason and logic ∞ Focus on the self and the individual ∞ A fascination with the supernatural, mysterious, and the gothic. ∞ A yearning for the picturesque and the exotic. ∞ A deep-rooted idealism (noble purposes or goals) ∞ A passionate nationalism or love of country. ∞ God is an external force. ∞ Inherent darkness or flaw in human nature (sin, guilt, misery).

10 Transcendentalism Movement
♥ Importance of Nature ♥ Spiritual Growth & Self-Realization ♥Individualism & Nonconformity ♥Confidence & Self-Reliance ♥ Moral enthusiasm and Reform society ♥ Valued emotion ♥ God is an internal force—Connect with your inner light. (divine spark or innate goodness) ♥ Optimistic

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