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Chapter 13.1 & 13.2 Work, power and simple machines

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1 Chapter 13.1 & 13.2 Work, power and simple machines
Review Game

2 Question 1 True or false. A person holding a barbell stationary over their head is doing work.

3 False. The force must be applied through a distance..
Answer 1 False. The force must be applied through a distance..

4 Question 2 What is the unit for work?

5 Answer 2 Joules

6 Question 3 1. The value 5064 W represents what concept? 2. What is W?

7 Answer 3 1. Power 2. Watts

8 Question 4 Which type of lever is a seesaw?

9 Answer 4 1st class lever

10 Question 5 1. What is a compound machine? 2. Provide one example.

11 Answer 5 1. Machine with 2 or more simple machines
2. Bicycles, tweezers, cars

12 Name the two families of simple machines.
Question 6 Name the two families of simple machines.

13 Answer 6 Lever Family Incline Plane Family

14 Question 7 1. What is the MA of a fixed pulley?
2. What is the MA of a moveable pulley?

15 Answer 7 1. MA= 1 2. MA= 2

16 Questions 8 How many significant figures does the value have? Change the value to have only 1 significant figures. Change the value 1,235,888 into 3 significant figures. Change the answer from number 3 into scientific notation.

17 Answer 8 1. 9 3. 1,240,000 x 106

18 Question 9 What is the student’s power if it takes him s to climb up the wall and his weight is 2180 N?

19 Answer 9 P=W/t P=2180J/6.3s P= W P=350 W

20 Question 10 The number of times a machine multiplies the input force is called the ______.

21 Answer 10 Mechanical advantage

22 Question 11 A ramp, 3 meters long is used to lift a box meters high. What is the IMA?

23 Answer 11 IMA = input Distance/output Distance IMA= 3/1.2 IMA = 2.5

24 Question 12 Name the simple machine illustrated below.

25 Answer 12 1st class lever

26 Question 13 Which type of lever is a wheel barrow?

27 Answer 13 2nd class lever

28 Question 14 Name all the simple machines in the incline plane family.

29 Answer 14 1. Incline planes 2. Wedges 3. Screws

30 Question 15 The application of a force that causes the body to move in the direction of the force is called _________.

31 Answer 15 Work

32 Which type of lever is your forearm?
Question 16 Which type of lever is your forearm?

33 Answer 16 3rd class lever

34 Question 17 What kind of simple machine is illustrated?

35 Answer 17 Wheel and axle

36 Question 18 A device that can multiply and change the direction of an input force is called _________________.

37 Answer 18 machine

38 Question 19 Machines help reduce the _______________ when used in doing work. YOU MUST BE VERY SPECIFIC……………………

39 Answer 19 Force input or Effort force

40 Question 20 (BONUS) How much work does a 65 kg student do if he climbs 5 meters up a wall?

41 Answer 20 F=mg= F=(65kg)(9.8m/s2)=637 N W=Fd W=(637 N)(5m)=3185 J

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