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By Saadia Maqbool & Lubna Haque

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Presentation on theme: "By Saadia Maqbool & Lubna Haque"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Saadia Maqbool & Lubna Haque
CONFLICT RESOLUTION By Saadia Maqbool & Lubna Haque

2 Aims & Objetives To provide knowledge of anger, aggression and violence How to attempt to de-escalate the situation and deal with it appropriately How verbal and non verbal communication can be used to prevent escalation Recognize one’s own safety and remove from potentially volatile situation.

3 Anger: Feeling or emotion. A response to something that has happened.
Can lead to aggression. Pixabay CC0

4 Aggression: Action or behaviour. Usually intended to hurt
Verbal or physical Pixabay CC0

5 Violence: Serious physical attacks.
May be directed at objects or people. Pixabay CC0

6 Effects of Adrenaline Increase in Heart rate
Increase in Respiration rate Increase in muscle tension Increase in blood sugar Pupils dilate Goosebumps Increase in metabolic rate Pixabay cc0

7 Adrenaline Fight: body defends self by standing and fighting
Flight: body responding to a burst of energy Fright: confused, unable to respond immediately.

8 De-escalation Techniques
Calming (Self Awareness) Calming (Awareness of Others) Reaching (Building Bridges) Controlling the situation Pixabay cc0

9 Calming (Self Awareness)
Voice: Steady, calm and clear Appropriate Language Eyes: Regular eye contact Position/Posture Unconfronting Non-threatening, relaxed Face: Show attentiveness, nods to signal interest.

10 Calming (Awareness of Others)
Verbal Non-verbal Pixabay cc0

11 How we communicate. Body language
55% of meaning is in facial expression and body language. Tone 38% of meaning is in the way the words are said. Words 7% of meaning is in the words that are spoken. (source:Mehrabian A. (1971) Silent messages)

12 Calming (awareness of others)
1. Make sure they know you are listening Listen for feelings, concerns, intentions. 2. Resist arguments 3. Be Yourself 4. Watch for: Relaxation of facial muscles Steadier breathing Change in tone of voice/posture

13 Cultural awareness. Some people will not make eye contact when talking. Some people will not shake hands as touching is not accepted. Invading someone's personal space is accepted and common practice in some cultures. Some females may not even communicate without a chaperone or a husband present. Pixabay cc0

14 Building Bridges Make a gift of: Sit down A drink Don’t patronise
Ask questions you need to ask Ensure they know the reason why Let them ask you questions-only answer if you are sure of the answers. Use simple, straightforward language Pixabay cc0

15 Controlling the Situations
Be realistic No false promises What is achievable and what is not Be Honest Take each issue separately Offer alternatives Do not blame Do not hurry

16 When communication fails!
When dealing with other people, we must be continually alert to what is going on around us. A situation can change very rapidly. A simple strategy for coping with conflict situations includes the following actions: Be aware Assess Be alert; constantly observe what is going on around you. Acknowledge that situations can change rapidly and will call for regular assessment. Plan Prepare for unforeseen circumstances.

17 Warning and danger signs.
When a person is getting angry and they feel they need to exert their presence verbally, they will present with WARNING SIGNS If you can recognise these, you may be able to prevent the onset of DANGER SIGNS These are the bodies natural reaction in preparation for physical violence.

18 Warning Signs Prolonged eye contact Facial Colour Darkens Head Back
Standing Tall Large Movements Breathing accelerates Ground kicking Pixabay c00

19 Danger Signs Fist clenching Facial colour pales Head drops Body lowers
Lips tighten over teeth Hands come above waist Pixabay cc00

20 Fight or Flight Flight should be your preferred option, and is the safer. Never stay in a situation in which you feel uncomfortable: remember, even if your job role means that you work with a ‘duty of care’, this duty of care starts with you. Pixabay c00

21 If fight is your only option:
Be aware of your limitations and legal requirements. Attempting/achieving three aims would fulfil the requirements of law: Temporise Disengage Some physical withdrawal

22 PLAN P = Proportionate – am I using the right level of force? (Don’t use a sledgehammer to crack a nut) L = Legal – am I covered by law to do what I’m doing? A =Accountable – am I accountable for my actions? Can I justify what I did, how I did it and why? N =Necessary – was the action taken necessary?

23 Law In Common law it is the person’s right to defend themselves from attacks and to act as a defence to others and prevent a crime. Section 3, Criminal Law Act 1967 A person may use force as is REASONABLE in the circumstances in the prevention of crime, or in effecting or assisting in the lawful arrest of offenders or suspected offenders or persons unlawfully at large’.

24 Thanks!!!

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