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Aniruddha N. Udipi, Naveen Muralimanohar*, Niladrish Chatterjee,

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Presentation on theme: "Aniruddha N. Udipi, Naveen Muralimanohar*, Niladrish Chatterjee,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rethinking DRAM Design and Organization for Energy-Constrained Multi-Cores
Aniruddha N. Udipi, Naveen Muralimanohar*, Niladrish Chatterjee, Rajeev Balasubramonian, Al Davis, Norm Jouppi* University of Utah and *HP Labs Introduce better

2 Why a complete DRAM redesign?
JEDEC SDRAM Standard High Density June 1994 Cost-per-bit over time Low Cost-per-bit Courtesy: Talk about bandwidth and why exactly it became energy inefficient. Processor guys realize power bottlneck Energy efficient Time for DRAM’s own “right-hand turn” Rethink design for modern constraints

3 Memory Trends Energy Access patterns
Large scale systems attribute 25-40% of total power to the memory subsystem Capital acquisition costs = operating costs over 3 years Energy is a first-order design constraint Access patterns Increasing socket, core, and thread counts Final memory request stream extremely random Cannot design for locality Using such power hungry DIMMs is not a good idea. We’re all “black and blue”

4 Memory Trends

5 Memory Trends

6 Memory Trends Energy Access patterns DRAM Reliability
Large scale systems attribute 25-40% of total power to the memory subsystem Capital acquisition costs = operating costs over 3 years Energy is a first-order design constraint Access patterns Increasing socket, core, and thread counts Final memory request stream extremely random Cannot design for locality What is exact overfetch degree? DRAM Reliability Critical apps require chipkill-level reliability Building fault-tolerance out of unreliable components is expensive Schroeder et al., SIGMETRICS 2009

7 Related Work Overfetch DRAM Low-power modes DRAM Redesign
Ahn et al. (SC ’09), Ware et al. (ICCD ’06), Sudan et al. (ASPLOS ’10) DRAM Low-power modes Hur et al. (HPCA ’08), Fan et al. (ISLPED ’01), Pandey et al. (HPCA ’06) DRAM Redesign Loh (ISCA ’08), Beamer et al. (ISCA ’10) Chipkill mechanisms Yoon and Erez (ASPLOS ’10) DRAM power and reliability already hot trends, software and DIMM solutions out there. Have a sentence describing each aspect. Don’t spend too much time here. We also address queuing delays. Don’t hesitate to increase cost-per-bit a little. No longer cost-per-transistor, it’s cost/J. We propose internal organizational changes.

8 Executive Summary Rethink DRAM design for modern constraints
Low-locality, reduced energy consumption, optimize TCO Selective Bitline Activation (SBA) Minimal design changes Considerable dynamic energy reductions for small latency and area penalties Single Subarray Access (SSA) Significant changes to memory interface Large dynamic and static energy savings Chipkill-level reliability Reduced energy and storage overheads for reliability We have three techniques - two for energy and one to add reliability.

9 Outline DRAM systems overview Selective Bitline Activation (SBA) Single Subarray Access (SSA) Chipkill-level reliability Conclusion

10 On-chip Memory Controller
Basic Organization Memory bus or channel Rank DRAM chip or device Bank Array 1/8th of the row buffer One word of data output DIMM On-chip Memory Controller

11 One bank shown in each chip
Basic DRAM Operation DRAM Chip DRAM Chip DRAM Chip DRAM Chip RAS CAS Cache Line Row Buffer One bank shown in each chip

12 Outline DRAM systems overview Selective Bitline Activation (SBA) Single Subarray Access (SSA) Chipkill-level reliability Conclusion

13 Selective Bitline Activation
Activate only those bitlines corresponding to the requested cache line – reduce dynamic energy Some area overhead depending on access granularity we pick 16 cache lines for 12.5% area overhead Requires no changes to the interface and minimal control changes

14 Outline DRAM systems overview Selective Bitline Activation (SBA) Single Subarray Access (SSA) Chipkill-level reliability Conclusion

15 Key Idea $0.30 60W $3.00 13W Incandescent light bulb Low purchase cost High operating cost Commodity Energy-efficient light bulb Higher purchase cost Much lower operating cost Value-addition It’s worth a small increase in capital costs to gain large reductions in operating costs And not 10X, just 15-20%!

16 Wishlist of features Eliminate overfetch
Disregard locality Increase opportunities for power-down Increase parallelism Enable efficient reliability mechanisms

17 SSA Architecture 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ONE DRAM CHIP ADDR/CMD BUS 64 Bytes
DIMM 64 Bytes Subarray Bitlines Bank Row buffer 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 DATA BUS This is “one” attractive solution. MEMORY CONTROLLER Global Interconnect to I/O

18 SSA Basics Entire DRAM chip divided into small subarrays
Width of each subarray is exactly one cache line Fetch entire cache line from a single subarray in a single DRAM chip – SSA Groups of subarrays combined into “banks” to keep peripheral circuit overheads low Close page policy and “posted-RAS” similar to SBA Data bus to processor essentially split into 8 narrow buses

19 Sleep Mode (or other parallel accesses) SSA Operation DRAM Chip
Subarray Subarray Subarray Subarray Subarray Subarray Subarray Subarray Address Subarray Subarray Subarray Subarray Subarray Subarray Subarray Subarray Sleep Mode (or other parallel accesses) Cache Line

20 SSA Impact Energy reduction Latency impact Area increase
Dynamic – fewer bitlines activated Static – smaller activation footprint – more and longer spells of inactivity – better power down Latency impact Limited pins per cache line – serialization latency Higher bank-level parallelism – shorter queuing delays Area increase More peripheral circuitry and I/O at finer granularities – area overhead (< 5%)

21 Methodology Simics based simulator FCFS/FR-FCFS scheduling policies
‘ooo-micro-arch’ and ‘trans-staller’ FCFS/FR-FCFS scheduling policies Address mapping and DRAM models from DRAMSim DRAM data from Micron datasheets Area/Energy numbers from heavily modified CACTI 6.5 PARSEC/NAS/STREAM benchmarks 8 single-threaded OOO cores, 32 KB L1, 2 MB L2 2GHz processor, 400MHz DRAM

22 Dynamic Energy Reduction
Moving to close page policy – 73% energy increase on average Compared to open page, 3X reduction with SBA, 6.4X with SSA

23 Contributors to energy consumption
64 cache lines in baseline 16 cache lines in SBA 1 cache line in SSA

24 Static Energy – Power down modes
Current DRAM chips already support several low-power modes Consider the low-overhead power down mode: 5.5X lower energy, 3 cycle wakeup time For a constant 5% latency increase 17% low-power operation in the baseline 80% low-power operation in SSA

25 Latency Characteristics
Impact of Open/Close page policy – 17% decrease (10/12) or 28% increase (2/12) Posted-RAS adds about 10% Serialization/Queuing delay balance in SSA - 30% decrease (6/12) or 40% increase (6/12)

26 Contributors to Latency

27 Outline DRAM systems overview Selective Bitline Activation (SBA) Single Subarray Access (SSA) Chipkill-level reliability Conclusion

28 DRAM Reliability Many server applications require chipkill-level reliability – failure of an entire DRAM chip One example of existing systems 64-bit word requires 8-bit ECC Each of these 72 bits must be read out of a different chip, else a chip failure will lead to a multi-bit error in the 72-bit field – unrecoverable! Reading 72 chips - significant overfetch! Chipkill even more of a concern for SSA since entire cache line comes from a single chip

29 Proposed Solution C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C
DIMM DRAM DEVICE L0 C L1 C L2 C L3 C L4 C L5 C L6 C L7 C P0 C L9 C L10 C L11 C L12 C L13 C L14 C L15 C P1 C L8 C .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. P7 C L56 C L57 C L58 C L59 C L60 C L61 C L62 C L63 C Reliability HAS to be energy-efficient to make it ubiquitous in cloud computing environments L – Cache Line C – Local Checksum P – Global Parity Approach similar to RAID-5

30 Chipkill design Two-tier error protection
Tier - 1 protection – self-contained error detection 8-bit checksum/cache line – 1.625% storage overhead Every cache line read is now slightly longer Tear -2 protection – global error correction RAID-like striped parity across 8+1 chips 12.5% storage overhead Error-free access (common case) 1 chip reads 2 chip writes – leads to some bank contention 12% IPC degradation Erroneous access 9 chip operation

31 Outline DRAM systems overview Selective Bitline Activation (SBA) Single Subarray Access (SSA) Chipkill-level reliability Conclusion

32 Key Contributions Redesign of DRAM microarchitecture
Substantial chip access energy savings (up to 6X) Overall, performance is a wash Minor area impact (12% with SBA, 4.5% with SSA) Two-tier chipkill-level reliability with minimal energy and storage overheads “right-turn” analogy again. Don’t say anything is “complete”. Compatibility with chipkill

33 Now is the time for new architectures..
Take into account modern constraints Energy far more critical today than before Cost-per-bit perhaps less important – optimize TCO Operating costs over 3 years = capital acquisition costs Memory reliability is important for many server applications. Memory system’s “right-hand-turn” is long overdue Rethink the tone of this slide.

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