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Historic Environment Records: unlocking the potential

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Presentation on theme: "Historic Environment Records: unlocking the potential"— Presentation transcript:

1 Historic Environment Records: unlocking the potential

2 What are Historic Environment Records (HERs)?
The most complete record of known archaeological and historic sites in their respective counties Planning guidance states that local planning authorities should have access to an HER Contain information on sites from the Palaeolithic era through to the 20th century

3 Buried archaeological remains

4 Earthworks and cropmarks

5 Designated heritage assets

6 Non-designated heritage assets

7 Conservation Areas and Locally Listed Buildings

8 Designed historic landscapes

9 Findspots

10 Artefact/flint scatters

11 Heritage Gateway website

12 Archaeological events
HERs also hold a grey literature library of reports containing detailed information on archaeological events in the county Largely as a result of the planning process, but also includes research projects from local societies and universities

13 Historic Landscape Characterisation
HLC projects recognise that the landscape itself can be of historic importance, in addition to the historic features within it Interpreting and recording the historic character of a landscape is intended to allow the landscape itself to be managed and protected within the planning process

14 Why do HERs exist? A public resource for research, education and general interest An important planning tool, used by Development Control Archaeologists, and increasingly Conservation Officers, when monitoring planning applications Archaeological contractors and heritage consultants often use HERs for desk-based research

15 HERs aim to help protect and inform future management, and enjoyment, of the historic environment.

16 Distribution of parks and gardens on the Derbyshire HER

17 Contacting your local HER

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