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Spontaneous Generation - famous labs

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Presentation on theme: "Spontaneous Generation - famous labs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spontaneous Generation - famous labs
As performed by: Redi Spallanzani Pasteur * Note: If the individual images are not visible for you, I did a screen capture of each slide and inserted them after slide 4

2 Francesco Redi (Italian Physician)
Used beef (from a cow) Controls Jars, type of meat, location, time, and temperature Manipulated Variable Gauze covering Responding Variables Whether maggots appear Maggots appear Maggots do not appear

3 Lazzaro Spallanzani (Italian Scholar)
Used beef gravy Controls flasks, type of gravy, location, time, and temperature Manipulated Variable Sealed flask Responding Variables Whether microorganisms appear Microorganisms appear Microorganisms do not appear

4 Louis Pasteur (French Scientist)
Manipulated Variable _____________ Used chicken broth (liquid) Responding Variables _________________ Controls _______________ Microorganisms? Yes or No?




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