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Mole Conversions 10.1-10.3.

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Presentation on theme: "Mole Conversions 10.1-10.3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mole Conversions

2 How many particles of CaCO3 does it take to write your first name on the sidewalk?

3 Atoms are impossible to count directly
Atoms are impossible to count directly. Because of this, chemists created a counting unit called the mole abbreviated mol. A mole is defined as the number of carbon atoms in exactly 12g of pure carbon-12. Through years of experiments, it has been established that one mole of anything contains 6.02x1023 representative particles (atom, molecule, formula unit, electron, or an ion). This number is called Avogadro’s number after Amedeo Avogadro who determined the volume of 1 mol of gas to be 22.4 Liters. Avogadro’s Number 1 Mole=6.02x1023 gas molecules


5 1 mole of carbon atoms would have a different mass than 1 mol of copper atoms. The mass in grams of one mole of any pure substance is called its molar mass. The molar mass of any element is equal to its atomic mass and has the units g/mol. The molar mass of carbon is g/mol and the molar mass of copper is g/mol 1 dozen extra large 1 dozen large 1 dozen medium 1 dozen small Which carton has the largest mass? Which carton has the largest number of eggs? The "bigger" the atom, molecule, ion, formula unit= the larger its mass

6 How to calculate the molar mass for a compound.
Subscripts from chemical formula Atomic mass from the periodic table

7 The mol is used as a conversion factor in CHEMISTRY
"The Mole Road"

8 Starting amounts from the questions
Molar mass from periodic table Grams to mole conversions Moles to grams conversion

9 Particles is a generic word for atoms or molecules or formula units.
This is the sequence to use from converting from particles to grams or grams to particles. Particles is a generic word for atoms or molecules or formula units. Use atom if it is one atom Ex: C Use molecule if it is a molecule (nonmetals covalently bonded) Ex: H2O or NH3 Use formula unit if it is a salt (metal and nonmetal in an ionic bond) Ex: NaCl or Al(OH)3

10 Convert atoms to grams Starting amount from the problem 1 mol = 6.02x1023 Molar mass from periodic table

11 Chp 10 The Mole Practice Worksheet
#1-6, 8-10

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