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Southwark Diocesan Board of Education

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1 Southwark Diocesan Board of Education
‘Character at the Heart of the Matter’ Mr Colin Powell Diocesan Director of Education The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education

2 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
Diocesan Vision ‘A people with hearts on fire, loving God, walking with Jesus and led by the Spirit’ The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

3 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
So much to celebrate 91% schools are good or better as judged by OFSTED 37% schools are outstanding as judged by OFSTED 99% schools are good or better under SIAMS 75% Schools are outstanding under SIAMS Low exclusion rates The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

4 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
Strong RE Strong engagement in development programmes 9 SDBE Governor vacancies and a wealth of exciting projects, initiatives and rich experience for the young people in our care. The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

5 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
To think about Numbers on roll/competition SIAMS – opportunities Finance and tough decisions / compromise Culture Schools sorting everything! Fragile communities The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

6 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
Psalm 51 : 10 ‘Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me’ The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

7 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
Matthew 12 : 35 ‘The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil’ The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

8 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
Romans 5 : 3-5 ‘More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us’ The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

9 Rag‘n’Bone Man ‘I’m only human after all I’m only human after all
Don’t put the blame on me!’ The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

10 Job 17 : 1-2 ‘My mind is distraught, my days are numbered, and the grave awaits me. Wherever I turn, I am taunted, and my eye meets nothing but sneers’ The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

11 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
To think about… How are you investing in your character? Do people see your faith in what you do? Is your character reflected in how you serve God? The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

12 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
Your character School character Traits Vision Motives Values Moral purpose Ethos The way you act What makes it tick! The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

13 Talking in a kind way to yourself
The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

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