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Presentation on theme: "Connotation/Denotation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Connotation/Denotation
Denotation is simply the literal definitions/meanings of a word Most words have multiple denotations Connotations are what it suggests beyond its meaning. We pull these from culture, history, experience, other words Practical writers need to limit words to one meaning at a time (to avoid ambiguity) Authors and poets seek to express more than one meaning To enhance or enrich, which allows for interpretation

2 AMBIGUITY Amgibuity is the quality of a word, phrase or sentence having more than one interpretation. This can be accidental or intentional. Vagueness is having not enough information to make even one interpretation (incomplete sentences). To understand poetry, readers must practice understanding the possible denotations and connotations of words and phrases that may otherwise appear straightforward.

3 Socratic Circle Poem Explore the denotations and connotations illustrated in the following poem to construct an argument for your first literary analysis.

4 Socratic Circle Poem Explore the denotations and connotations illustrated in the following poem to construct an argument for your first literary analysis. Fame is a bee. It has a song— It has a sting— Ah, Too, it has a wing.

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