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Political Parties.

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1 Political Parties

2 DEMOCRATS DONKEY REPUBLICANS ELEPHANT (CBS News) Did you ever wonder about just what was behind two famous party animals? The donkey was first associated with Democrat Andrew Jackson's 1828 presidential campaign. His opponents called Jackson, well, a "jackass" for his populist views. Jackson was actually ENTERTAINED by the insult, and used the image of the strong-willed donkey on his campaign posters. Later, famed cartoonist Thomas Nast used the donkey in his newspaper cartoons, helping to establish it as the symbol of the Democratic Party. And was Nast who provided the Republicans with their elephant. The animal fearless enough to fight off the others.

3 The goal of political parties is to win elections so that you may control government


5 Federalists v. Democratic-Republicans
Big Central Govt States Rights

Drew support from small farmers, debtors, frontier pioneers and slaveholders. Much of the support came from the South and the West. 1828 The Democratic Party Increase in voting rights of white males. Increase in the number of elected offices nationwide. Spread of Spoils System – giving government jobs and contracts to those who favor the party in power.

Era of Good Feelings – 1800-mid 1820’s No opposition at all for the Dems FACTIONS ARISE OVER …. PULIC LANDS 2ND NATIONAL BANK HIGH TARIFFS SLAVERY. Whig Party rises … William Henry Harrison Zachary Taylor Millard Filmore

8 William Jennings Bryan
Era of Republican Dominance -Ending Slavery -Saving the Union Civil War results led to the South being Democratic for next 100 years William Jennings Bryan Revives the Democratic Party as a party to champion “the little man”. This moved the Democrats into the economic discussion arena as opposed to only regional or sectional arenas as it had been since the end of the Civil War.

9 Woodrow Wilson – One of only two Democrats to serve during the Republican Era between 1860-1932.
“On one occasion I gave expression to those views before the members of my department at Princeton, and a young man named Corwin got up and wiped the floor with me.” ~Woodrow Wilson Those views that Wilson speaks were his conservative views and his argument against Teddy Roosevelt’s Bull Moose -Progressive Party. Wilson became president and brought with him a progressive change to his political party. Woodrow Wilson Teddy Roosevelt Edward Corwin Born Plymouth, MI January 19, 1878 PHS Grad 1895 UofM Grad 1900 Professor Princeton

10 Begin 2nd Era of Democratic Rule
Due to the Great Depression the citizens shifted their beliefs in the role of government in the economy. They wanted more government influence. Southerners, small farmers, organized labor, and big-city political organizations formed the block of his political base. Economic & Social Welfare programs further strengthened his support. This brought in African Americans and other minorities. Franklin D. Roosevelt Begin 2nd Era of Democratic Rule FDR was elected 4 Times

11 Dix·ie·crat any of the Southern Democrats who seceded from the party in 1948 in opposition to its policy of extending civil rights.

12 Election November 1964 After 100 years of Democrat domination the South moves of to the Republicans. Civil Rights Act 1964 Signed July 2, 1964

13 Era of Divided Government




17 Birth 1920’s – Mid 1940’s Birth Mid 1940’s – Mid 1960’s Birth Mid 1960’s – Early 1980’s Birth Early 1980’s – Mid 1990’s

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